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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
Wow! I actually got one. I now have exactly one DF19+ Family Finder connection (besides my dad) and they have his level at R-S4268 (Bronze Age).
Unfortunately there's not a lot of information and from the shared connections he could just as easily be from Dad's Ashkenazi side as his paternal YDNA line.
But email sent, let's see if there's any response.
rmstevens2 likes this post
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106) b1584; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635
from  today's FTDNA newsletter

FTDNA is processing the remaining GSA Family Finder Y updates.

At the beginning of May, they plan to start the older FTDNA kits followed by unlocked autosomal transfers.

Hmmm....that's disappointing.   I thought there were still a lot of GSA kits to process.  Like more than half.
Riverman, Mitchell-Atkins, rmstevens2 And 2 others like this post
My statistics:
9950 matches
2400 processed (males only)
3700 autosomal transfer (males and females)

9950 - 3700 = 6250
50% males vs females 3125
3125 - 2400 = 725

725 of old male matches?
rmstevens2 and Riverman like this post
Apparently, Family Finders of recent years have been mostly transfers.

I admin two surname projects with about 600 members, mostly with Y tests.

Between the two projects, there are about 250 Family Finders.  But only 35 after April, 2019, which is when I think the GSAs started.

So roughly 80% of the FF are older chips. 

There may still be 300,000 kits to process as I opined earlier.  But a heavy proportion of older chips. 

I suspect they will not be as intensive as the GSAs, but we'll see. 

In the two projects, there are 140 Autosomal Transfers, of which 111 are Ancestry. 
Only 4 were from MyHeritage, so that number is so small, its not a factor.

(Approximately half of the above tests will be female)
fj-blanco, rmstevens2, jdbreazeale like this post
There is no doubt that pre GSA FF kits will not have the resolution of the GSA kits. Myheritage kits will also be low resolution.
rmstevens2 likes this post
(04-30-2024, 08:21 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: There is no doubt that pre GSA FF kits will not have the resolution of the GSA kits. Myheritage kits will also be low resolution.

Isn't it the same chip they are using for years? MyHeritage tests with GenebyGene after all. Ancestry should be pretty low, but their results won't be shown anyway.

The majority of my still not assigned STR matches dates from before 2018. I have more than 100 STR matches with FF which are still just in the most basic haplogroup assignment at 25 STR values, plus some dozens of autosomal transfers.
ArmandoR1b and rmstevens2 like this post
(04-29-2024, 05:57 PM)Dewsloth Wrote: Wow!  I actually got one.  I now have exactly one DF19+ Family Finder connection (besides my dad) and they have his level at R-S4268 (Bronze Age).
Unfortunately there's not a lot of information and from the shared connections he could just as easily be from Dad's Ashkenazi side as his paternal YDNA line.
But email sent, let's see if there's any response.

And sure enough, the gentleman above turns out to have a part-Jewish mother, and while I'm related to him, his father (also a kit) did not show up as a Family Finder hit, so once again it seems a 16cM Ashkenazi hit and the DF19 part was just a happy coincidence.

Still, it's nice to know the program can actually work. Smile
rmstevens2 likes this post
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106) b1584; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635
(04-30-2024, 08:37 PM)Riverman Wrote:
(04-30-2024, 08:21 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: There is no doubt that pre GSA FF kits will not have the resolution of the GSA kits. Myheritage kits will also be low resolution.

Isn't it the same chip they are using for years? MyHeritage tests with GenebyGene after all.

You are right. I forgot I have older files from MyHeritage. So older MyHeritage files will be low resolution, similar to 23andme v4, like older FF results.
Riverman and rmstevens2 like this post
I looked up how many STR matches with Family Finder and a younger testing date I have, and its about 6 which remain. All the others are either older testers or transfers.
rmstevens2 likes this post
Thumbs Up 
Just found what is for me a really great new FF Y-DNA haplogroup assignment. The man is an FF match of mine and also a 33/37 Y-DNA STR match, but he drops off my STR radar at 67 markers, which is as far as he goes. However, he just got an FF Y haplogroup assignment of R-BY166, which is in my Y chromosome line and is rare enough and far enough along to be significant. I just got through emailing him and asking him to join the R1b-BY168 and Subclades Project, which I administer for FTDNA. BY166 is one step downstream of BY168.

This man's surname is Williams, which is a Welsh patronymic surname. So far, all the men derived for SNPs downstream of FT92330 (BY168>BY166>FT92330), including me, have Welsh patronymic surnames. So, I'm guessing this new guy is also derived for something south of FT92330. 

It's really a nice result and more confirmation of the Welsh origin of my Y chromosome line.
Dewsloth, Riverman, jdbreazeale And 1 others like this post
Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us.

- Wisdom of Sirach 44:1
In the last day or so, FTDNA has added 18,000 testers.  The overall database increased 6% overnight.

The key Family Finder SNP that I am tracking (R-Z341) went from 1038 to 1087.  About 5% overnight.
That's a pretty decent bump.  I suspect these are from the remaining GSA kits.  I would be surprised (although pleasantly) if Z341 was on the older chip.


EDIT.  Well, this is weird.  The 18,000 have evaporated, as well as my new Z341s.    Sad   

Hopefully they will be back soon.
Hygelac, rmstevens2, Riverman And 2 others like this post
(05-01-2024, 03:34 PM)Mabrams Wrote: EDIT.  Well, this is weird.  The 18,000 have evaporated, as well as my new Z341s.    Sad   

Hopefully they will be back soon.

Same here, a lot of new branch members and suddently its back to the old number again. That's something new and rather unpleasant...
rmstevens2 and jdbreazeale like this post
and they're back, all 18000 updates.

For now, anyway.....
rmstevens2, Riverman, jdbreazeale like this post
(05-01-2024, 10:44 PM)Mabrams Wrote: and  they're back, all 18000 updates.

For now, anyway.....

Hmm.  I'm not seeing them.  323,007 in FTDNA haplotree on 20 Apr, 323,134 right now
rmstevens2 likes this post
50% English, 15% Welsh, 15% Scot/Ulster Scot, 5% Irish, 10% German, 2% Scandi, 2% French & Dutch), 1% India
Ancient ~40% Anglo-Saxon, ~40% Briton/Insular Celt, ~15% German, 4% Other Euro
600 AD: 55% Anglo-Saxon (CNE), 45% Pre-Anglo-Saxon Briton (WBI)
“Be more concerned with seeking the truth than winning an argument” 
(05-02-2024, 12:07 AM)Mitchell-Atkins Wrote:
(05-01-2024, 10:44 PM)Mabrams Wrote: and  they're back, all 18000 updates.

For now, anyway.....

Hmm.  I'm not seeing them.  323,007 in FTDNA haplotree on 20 Apr, 323,134 right now

I am seeing 341,631 for the last hour.    Via the Public Haplotree.    

This was also the number I saw for a few minutes earlier today before it blinked out.
rmstevens2 and jdbreazeale like this post

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