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23andMe Updates Paternal Haplogroup Assignments
Maybe because I'm rather mixed, 23andMe's autosomal report is just very vague: 11.9% broadly NW Euro, 1.1% broadly Southern Euro, 1.8% broadly Euro. That's about 14%. Furthermore, they have me at 17.7% Italian, which is inaccurate. I have one ggf who has Italian ancestry, so that's 12.5%. This is further supported by the fact that neither Ancestry or FTDNA have me anywhere near that high and my matches at Ancestry, which are many, show my Italian ancestry as probably the least present in my own genetic make up. The best match I have through my Italian ggf is a 4th cousin and they are few and far between.
ArmandoR1b likes this post
(04-27-2024, 11:20 AM)sirdan Wrote:
(04-27-2024, 10:31 AM)ArmandoR1b Wrote:
(04-27-2024, 06:39 AM)sirdan Wrote: For all people with I1

Check your assingnment. They have just corrected mine to I-CTS6364 which is simply right.

What do you have at https://cladefinder.yseq.net/ from the 23andme raw data?

This is funny because I am positive green for Z2336/CTS6364+  and Next best prediction (scored 100 compared to 100) is Z58

Since I am positive for both in 23AndMe, Then it means Z58 is poor variant on genotyping chip v5.

Every single person that is tested by 23andme v5 is positive for I1-S244/Z58. I posted earlier in the thread Here is a list of SNPs that were false positives. I knew you would be positive for that because everyone is. Therefore it is a false result and has to be ignored.

The fact that Cladefinder had already determined that you are positive for Z2336/CTS6364+  it means that the raw data already had the correct result. That means that only the 23andme v5 people that had a different result at 23andme compared to Cladefinder will have a new haplogroup and it will be the same or very similar to Cladefinder.

edit: FTDNA Discover has I-CTS6364 dated to 2200 BCE. https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...6364/story If you were to get a Big Y-700 test you would very likely get a much younger haplogroup. Likely within the last 2000 years instead of BCE.
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It's really frustrating that I had found all of the false positives not long after 23andme v5 was released and I had reported them on the 23andme forum and on Anthrogenica, a long time before Cladefinder was release, but it was hard to get the information accepted even when I explained how to look at the raw data.

Now with the update for Sirdan I feel vindicated with how right I was. The following are false positives and anyone with one these false positives has a good chance of a change of haplogroup. The false negatives were always ignored so probably no change at 23andme but can be important to know about due to the Cladefinder result.

So there they are again.

Here is a list of SNPs that were false positives

Here is a list of SNPs that were false negatives
With this update they've fixed issues with some haplogroups but at the same time introduced bugs with other haplogroups. For example, I've seen multiple people that got haplogroup R2 (R-M479) on the previous version now get R (R-M207).

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