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Just making a note to close the door on a possible patrilineal ancestor I can now eliminate.  Back on this old anthrogenica thread


Quote:A paternal line match who has a Jane Atkin/Atkins in his tree. Jane Atkins b ~1816, was married in Dublin in 1834, and her father, Paul Atkin/Atkins (1770-1851), was a British soldier (British 1st co, 5th battalion Artillery...not sure where he was born), who was stationed in Ireland and married a local Irish woman ...At the time of of Paul's daughter's marriage his occupation was "WEIGHMASTER" In his 1862 will probate, a son, William Atkin is identified as the executor...

When I first looked at this, it was very promising. My Mr. Atkins cousin has a known paternal line Atkins ancestor that was married in Dublin in 1834; and my line had a son (my great great great grandfather Charles Atkins) born in Dublin in 1838. My line has a William Atkins, the matches' line has a William Atkin, both are probably close in age based on the sister's birth circa 1816.

There are a couple of hiccups though. The William Atkin in the 1862 Will probate is listed as residing in Dublin, and his occupation was as a custom house officer (Ironically my Williams Atkins son, Charles Atkins was also a Customs House Shipping Agent in 1871 London census). To my knowledge, my William Atkins hadn't lived in Dublin since ~1840. Maybe that was his address when the will was originally drawn up at an earlier date e.g. if the will was drawn up in the late 1830s. For whatever reason, this William Atkin was unavailable/unable to act as the executor in 1862 and that job was reassigned to William's sister, Lucy (who lived in Ireland) in 1863.

So, I'm not sure what to make of all of this at the moment.
In 1859 this William Atkin/Atkins lived at 53 North Strand, Dublin.  The William Atkins mentioned in his father, Paul Atkin's Will, also lived on North Strand, Dublin

In 1861, my William Atkins was a Railway Ticket Collector, living in at Stoke upon Trent in Staffordshire.  

So not the same William Atkins.

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50% English, 15% Welsh, 15% Scot/Ulster Scot, 5% Irish, 10% German, 2% Scandi, 2% French & Dutch), 1% India
Ancient ~40% Anglo-Saxon, ~40% Briton/Insular Celt, ~15% German, 4% Other Euro
600 AD: 55% Anglo-Saxon (CNE), 45% Pre-Anglo-Saxon Briton (WBI)
“Be more concerned with seeking the truth than winning an argument” 

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