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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
(12-19-2023, 06:20 PM)Webb Wrote:
(12-14-2023, 02:55 PM)Webb Wrote: Another update.  One of my 25 marker matches, now has an assignment.  I assumed he would be somewhere below DF27>Z209 as well, as all of my 25 marker matches and up who have done snp testing are on some sort of branch below Z209, giving me the theory that my str signature, and theirs must be close to mode for the North/South cluster, but this 25 marker match is U152>Z36> down to R-BY64356.  Interesting.

This same kit that was R-BY64356 is now listed as R-FTB32561, and R-FTB32561 isn't even listed in the discover tool as it is too new, according to the notes.
Do you have BigY? Block tree is updated first, and FTB32561 is on it already.
Either that match has BigY too, or FTDNA is gifting some of their customers.
Webb and rmstevens2 like this post
(12-19-2023, 08:35 PM)sirdan Wrote:
(12-19-2023, 06:20 PM)Webb Wrote:
(12-14-2023, 02:55 PM)Webb Wrote: Another update.  One of my 25 marker matches, now has an assignment.  I assumed he would be somewhere below DF27>Z209 as well, as all of my 25 marker matches and up who have done snp testing are on some sort of branch below Z209, giving me the theory that my str signature, and theirs must be close to mode for the North/South cluster, but this 25 marker match is U152>Z36> down to R-BY64356.  Interesting.

This same kit that was R-BY64356 is now listed as R-FTB32561, and R-FTB32561 isn't even listed in the discover tool as it is too new, according to the notes.
Do you have BigY? Block tree is updated first, and FTB32561 is on it already.
Either that match has BigY too, or FTDNA is gifting some of their customers.

I do have BigY, but I didn't check the block tree for this kit, as he is not DF27.  I did check my 111 marker match, who now has a snp below M269 on the block tree, and he is not listed, and I should see him because any match I have on the block tree is listed as a match.  I have 2613 12 marker matches, and I sorted them by snp, and there are a large number who have terminal snp's listed well below M269 and no evidence of either Y-500/Y-700 tests.  So either their terminal is based off of this new initiative using FF tests, or they have done a la carte at some point.  I don't know how to tell which avenue gave them their terminal snp results.
rmstevens2 and jdbreazeale like this post
Six months later, I've yet to see a haplogroup via autosomal in any of my matches, let alone in the other kits I manage.

Capsian20, Webb, rmstevens2 like this post
FTDNA is not great at meeting scheduled timeframes. 

Right now they are shut down for several Holidays. 

The plan now is to start in earnest in January.    So hopefully in a month (or two?) you will see some updates.  Fingers crossed ?

I have seen estimates that perhaps 3% of Family Finders were updated in December.

Looking at my most recent 200 matches (~50% male), I believe I saw 16 kits updated. 

It would be nice if FTDNA fixed the N/A display quirk.
Webb, jdbreazeale, Hygelac And 4 others like this post
Its painful to wait so long for results, but the good news is that they cover important SNP's for my branch and I will be able to sort about 40 % of candidates out based on the Family Finder results, which is something.
And of course, if any autosomal match will show up with my branch, since its fairly downstream, chances are not sooo bad for this being an actual relative. Yet of course, about 0,5 of a given population is still so much that paternally non-related people could end up in my main branch. I got one case already.
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FTDNA has over 2 million in it's database and 285,000 of them are on their y dna haplotree.

For simple math lets say there 2 million are available for this update, of which 1 million are men.

So 3% tested in December 2023, means roughly 30,000 men or ~1145 additional U152 men (above the normal testing growth) should have been identified by now.

U152 #
Feb 13, 2019:  5532 U152 samples in the FTDNA database
Jan 4 2020:  5712 3.6% increase annualized growth
Dec 31 2020:  6385, 11.8% increase over previous year
Jan 2 2022:  7803, 22.2% increase over previous year
Jan 1 2023:  8474, 8.6% increase over previous year.

From Jan 2020 to Jan 23 annual growth averaged 14.2% over the previous year
8474 x 1.142 = 9677 is roughly what we would normally expect

Right now as of Dec 25 2023, there are 10873 men in the FTDNA database, or 1196 more than would be expected based on prior years.  That's a 28.3% increase over the previous year.

If FTDNA has tested 3% of the database then the U152 project numbers are in line with what should be expected based on these numbers (1145 vs 1196 increase).

But what's discouraging to me is that there has been no corresponding dramatic increase in numbers below U152>L2 on my line.

So I'm not sure this update is going to be of much personal benefit.

But I'm glad that it appears to be helping others like Riveman.
Hygelac, rmstevens2, Riverman And 2 others like this post
50% English, 15% Welsh, 15% Scot/Ulster Scot, 5% Irish, 10% German, 2% Scandi, 2% French & Dutch), 1% India
Ancient ~40% Anglo-Saxon, ~40% Briton/Insular Celt, ~15% German, 4% Other Euro
600 AD: 55% Anglo-Saxon (CNE), 45% Pre-Anglo-Saxon Briton (WBI)
“Be more concerned with seeking the truth than winning an argument” 
Mitchell... I've yet to see any autosomal haplogroup predictions whatsoever. An earlier post suggests they'll start in January.

The encouraging thing is the data might be just around the corner.

Now if we could only get AncestryDNA to provide haplogroup predictions. Tired of having to download them and run my own. Tedious and most are inaccessible to me.
Webb, Mitchell-Atkins, rmstevens2 And 1 others like this post
(12-26-2023, 01:39 AM)AimSmall Wrote: Mitchell... I've yet to see any autosomal haplogroup predictions whatsoever.  An earlier post suggests they'll start in January.

The encouraging thing is the data might be just around the corner.

Now if we could only get AncestryDNA to provide haplogroup predictions.  Tired of having to download them and run my own.  Tedious and most are inaccessible to me.

Mabrams said 
Quote: I have seen estimates that perhaps 3% of Family Finders were updated in December...I believe I saw 16 kits updated.
So I thought the update had already started and was showing up in matches.  Is that incorrect?
jdbreazeale, Webb, rmstevens2 like this post
50% English, 15% Welsh, 15% Scot/Ulster Scot, 5% Irish, 10% German, 2% Scandi, 2% French & Dutch), 1% India
Ancient ~40% Anglo-Saxon, ~40% Briton/Insular Celt, ~15% German, 4% Other Euro
600 AD: 55% Anglo-Saxon (CNE), 45% Pre-Anglo-Saxon Briton (WBI)
“Be more concerned with seeking the truth than winning an argument” 
They were to have started in July... guess they're pacing themselves.

I've yet to see any... fingers crossed.
Webb and rmstevens2 like this post
Is anyone able to confirm if FTDNA still offers individual a la carte snp tests?
jdbreazeale and rmstevens2 like this post
(12-26-2023, 04:37 PM)Webb Wrote: Is anyone able to confirm if FTDNA still offers individual a la carte snp tests?

Yes, click on Add on & Upgrades in the upper right corner, click on Y-DNA SNPs under Add Ons.
The choice of SNPs is very limited and SNPs after the FF test are probably enough for the most.
If you plan to upgrade someone then it is better to upgrade and don't waste material on single SNPs tests.
If you want to screen living candidates then it is better to collect a new sample and test one-two-three SNPs at YSEQ.
rmstevens2, jdbreazeale, Riverman And 1 others like this post
(12-26-2023, 05:54 PM)wis Wrote:
(12-26-2023, 04:37 PM)Webb Wrote: Is anyone able to confirm if FTDNA still offers individual a la carte snp tests?

Yes, click on Add on & Upgrades in the upper right corner, click on Y-DNA SNPs under Add Ons.
The choice of SNPs is very limited and SNPs after the FF test are probably enough for the most.
If you plan to upgrade someone then it is better to upgrade and don't waste material on single SNPs tests.
If you want to screen living candidates then it is better to collect a new sample and test one-two-three SNPs at YSEQ.

Thanks.  So then one would have no way of knowing whether a match who has a y str test and/or FF test was given their Y-Haplogroup assignment via the new initiative to give assignments to individuals who took the FF test or via the snp a la carte.
jdbreazeale and rmstevens2 like this post
(12-26-2023, 06:03 PM)Webb Wrote:
(12-26-2023, 05:54 PM)wis Wrote:
(12-26-2023, 04:37 PM)Webb Wrote: Is anyone able to confirm if FTDNA still offers individual a la carte snp tests?

Yes, click on Add on & Upgrades in the upper right corner, click on Y-DNA SNPs under Add Ons.
The choice of SNPs is very limited and SNPs after the FF test are probably enough for the most.
If you plan to upgrade someone then it is better to upgrade and don't waste material on single SNPs tests.
If you want to screen living candidates then it is better to collect a new sample and test one-two-three SNPs at YSEQ.

Thanks.  So then one would have no way of knowing whether a match who has a y str test and/or FF test was given their Y-Haplogroup assignment via the new initiative to give assignments to individuals who took the FF test or via the snp a la carte.

Yes, you are not able to differentiate. But I saw the increase in SNP assignments among the STR and autosomal matches I have access to. Very soon my main branch will have more FF assigned testers than BigY tested ones. The current numbers of SNP testers plus FF already approaches it. And that's with the small fraction added by FF. If all get tested, I don't know which ratio will be the end result, but I guess the FF will be many, many times the number of the BigY testers, even if not all get positive downstream and about half seems to end upstream. So the actual, potential pool for future BigY testers is so much bigger, even by just using FF testers...
wis, rmstevens2, Webb like this post
There are some questions if the Y updating of Family Finder has started.

I believe so, although I have no official knowledge.

Some observations.

On (or about) Dec 1, there were 10,671 men under L48, a major subclade of R-M269.
Today, 12,568.

My personal FF on (or about) Dec 1 had 1403 men with a Y haplo. (all types)
Today, 1553

I had 560 FF with R-M269. Today I have 528, which I interpret as 32 men being updated to a more refined Y haplo.
rmstevens2, ArmandoR1b, Webb And 1 others like this post
(12-26-2023, 05:54 PM)wis Wrote:
(12-26-2023, 04:37 PM)Webb Wrote: Is anyone able to confirm if FTDNA still offers individual a la carte snp tests?

Yes, click on Add on & Upgrades in the upper right corner, click on Y-DNA SNPs under Add Ons.
The choice of SNPs is very limited and SNPs after the FF test are probably enough for the most.
If you plan to upgrade someone then it is better to upgrade and don't waste material on single SNPs tests.
If you want to screen living candidates then it is better to collect a new sample and test one-two-three SNPs at YSEQ.

Another way is to load the HaploTrees and SNPs icon from the Y-STRs section.   Since its graphical, it loads slower, but you might prefer the tree format to locate SNPs. 

That said, ordering single SNPs is a costly approach per SNP, particularly if you end up ordering a series.  But it might suit your stategy
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