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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
(01-24-2024, 01:31 AM)AimSmall Wrote: I've yet to see a haplogroup call based on autosomal data for any of my numerous kits or their matches.  Starting to wonder if they've changed their mind on this initiative.

I have seen several in my project (J2a-Z6065). All with the Family Finder (not raw data imported from other companies).
jdbreazeale likes this post
(01-24-2024, 06:42 PM)fj-blanco Wrote:
(01-24-2024, 01:31 AM)AimSmall Wrote: I've yet to see a haplogroup call based on autosomal data for any of my numerous kits or their matches.  Starting to wonder if they've changed their mind on this initiative.

I have seen several in my project (J2a-Z6065). All with the Family Finder (not raw data imported from other companies).

Your project accepts autosomal results only?
I am the admin/co-admin for two projects. About 800 people total, with 230 FF, although I dont know how many are FF-only men. 3 men have been updated.


On my personal FF match list (about 3500 males), about at least 30 R-M269 have been updated.

Out of my 100 Most Recent Matches, back to Sept 17, there are 51 males, 16 of whom have a refined haplotype. 6 have a BigY700, so the FF-only would be 10 out of 41. The ten are spread out from Sept to the present, no real pattern.

I was under the impression that all new FF males would have a Y haplo, although I am not sure when that started. Using Dec 7 as a starting data, I have 14 males, of which 2 are BigY700s and 5 are FF-only with refined haplotypes.

Looking at an older group, matches 4000 to 4100, sorted from Most Recent Matches, I have 47 males. I only see 4 FF-only matches that appear to be updated.

By FF-only, I mean FF without a BigY. They may have had a Y12 to Y111.

Some Y matches do have haplogroups, but show as N/A on the FF list (but show with real haplogroups on other screens). I have not tried to account for this. Also, I dont know how many are uploads from other sites.
Riverman and fj-blanco like this post
(01-24-2024, 07:21 PM)AimSmall Wrote:
(01-24-2024, 06:42 PM)fj-blanco Wrote:
(01-24-2024, 01:31 AM)AimSmall Wrote: I've yet to see a haplogroup call based on autosomal data for any of my numerous kits or their matches.  Starting to wonder if they've changed their mind on this initiative.

I have seen several in my project (J2a-Z6065). All with the Family Finder (not raw data imported from other companies).

Your project accepts autosomal results only?

Not in principle. I just have direct evidence from a couple of samples with Y-STRs + FF, showing that their haplogroup has been updated based on their Family Finder. I've also noticed a bunch of new flags suddenly appearing in the Haplotree across several clades relevant to J-Z6065 (J-BY32862, J-Z39478 and J-Z2227). Some of these flags correspond to some samples found in public projects that only have 12 or 37 Y-STR markers tested (so no Big-Y).
Nick1234 and AimSmall like this post
It would be really nice if FTDNA would update the display of haplos and indicate (by using different colors or some other method of indication) the level of testing: STR testing only with NO SNP confirmation (currently red), single SNP test or SNP pack confirmation (currently green), FF SNP confirmation (I don't know what color, but probably green), Big Y 500 (currently green), and Big Y 700 (also currently green). So right now there are 5 discreet levels of testing available but only 2 color indicators: severely lacking in my opinion. This should be displayed in both the match lists and the project Y-DNA results pages.
fj-blanco, Mabrams, Nick1234 And 3 others like this post
Y-DNA I1a2a1a1a1a1a1~ I-M253>DF29>Z58>Z59>CTS8647>Z61>Z60>Z140>Z141>Z2535>L338>A1944/Y15155>A2398>FT114518>FT195891>FT194840>FT196036>FT196236
mTDNA H4a1a4b-a*
FamilyTreeDNA 931859 (FamilyFinder, Big Y-700, mtFull) myOrigins: England, Wales, and Scotland 62%; Scandinavia 26%; Ireland 12%
YFull YF068629=YF108828 (Y, mT)
YSeq 41625
MyHeritage Ethnicity Estimate: English 47.1%; Irish, Scottish, and Welsh 21.3%; Scandinavian 19.2%; Finnish 4.8%; West Asian 7.6%
"FF SNP confirmation (I don't know what color, but probably green)"

yep, FF  Y SNPs are shown as green on Project pages.    I have seen a few of these.


minor note.    One man I looked at received a FF SNP two days ago, even though he has a BigY pending.  I thought FTDNA might skip FF haplotyping if a BigY was pending, but that apparently is not true.

This man also had a Y prediction (presumably R-M269) last week based upon his STR results.  (Y67 and Y111 are still not showing).
jdbreazeale and JMcB like this post
So an interesting observation. I still haven't seen a FF haplogroup call on any of my kits or matches.

However, while seeking them out this morning I sorted my matches by Y-DNA Haplogroups. First shock was seeing A-XXX haplogroups. Kind of kewl.

But the bigger shock was got down into the E haplogroups and I noticed one match was still showing N/A in sorted order with the rest of the Es. Click the name to see details and sure enough it has an E haplogroup, but it doesn't show directly on the match listing. This may be my first find of a FF haplogroup call, since I don't see he has any additional testing.

So we have to open each name to see a FF haplo call???
rmstevens2 and jdbreazeale like this post
(01-27-2024, 03:49 PM)AimSmall Wrote: So an interesting observation.  I still haven't seen a FF haplogroup call on any of my kits or matches.

However, while seeking them out this morning I sorted my matches by Y-DNA Haplogroups.  First shock was seeing A-XXX haplogroups.  Kind of kewl.

But the bigger shock was got down into the E haplogroups and I noticed one match was still showing N/A in sorted order with the rest of the Es.  Click the name to see details and sure enough it has an E haplogroup, but it doesn't show directly on the match listing.  This may be my first find of a FF haplogroup call, since I don't see he has any additional testing.

So we have to open each name to see a FF haplo call???

That seems to be yet another bug. Even a BigY tested individual doesn't show any more.
jdbreazeale likes this post
I know that many haplogroups have been displaying as N/A in Family Finder.

But all my haplogroups are now displaying correctly.    No more annoying N/A   Smile


I have 5 matches with haplos from A to C.  I hadnt noticed that they are new FF haplos until I read AimSmall's comments. 

I am presuming the update is from Family Finders.  They all had Y-STR testing but not BigY. 
Of course, I cannot rule out a SNP or SNP Pack test, as those don't show.
jdbreazeale likes this post
They've got more broken now.

I can't review my Y-111 or Y-67 matches. Says I don't have any.

I have many in reality.
jdbreazeale likes this post
(01-27-2024, 03:49 PM)AimSmall Wrote: This may be my first find of a FF haplogroup call, since I don't see he has any additional testing.

So we have to open each name to see a FF haplo call???

I think this is a temporary bug -- I have noticed it too -- the haplos will show up correctly later without having to drill down.
Y-DNA I1a2a1a1a1a1a1~ I-M253>DF29>Z58>Z59>CTS8647>Z61>Z60>Z140>Z141>Z2535>L338>A1944/Y15155>A2398>FT114518>FT195891>FT194840>FT196036>FT196236
mTDNA H4a1a4b-a*
FamilyTreeDNA 931859 (FamilyFinder, Big Y-700, mtFull) myOrigins: England, Wales, and Scotland 62%; Scandinavia 26%; Ireland 12%
YFull YF068629=YF108828 (Y, mT)
YSeq 41625
MyHeritage Ethnicity Estimate: English 47.1%; Irish, Scottish, and Welsh 21.3%; Scandinavian 19.2%; Finnish 4.8%; West Asian 7.6%
(01-26-2024, 06:45 PM)jdbreazeale Wrote: It would be really nice if FTDNA would update the display of haplos and indicate (by using different colors or some other method of indication) the level of testing: STR testing only with NO SNP confirmation (currently red), single SNP test or SNP pack confirmation (currently green), FF SNP confirmation (I don't know what color, but probably green), Big Y 500 (currently green), and Big Y 700 (also currently green).  So right now there are 5 discreet levels of testing available but only 2 color indicators: severely lacking in my opinion.  This should be displayed in both the match lists and the project Y-DNA results pages.

I made a Facebook post about this in the FamilyTreeDNA® Big Y Group, and it looks like it might get some traction.
JonikW, Nick1234, JMcB And 2 others like this post
Y-DNA I1a2a1a1a1a1a1~ I-M253>DF29>Z58>Z59>CTS8647>Z61>Z60>Z140>Z141>Z2535>L338>A1944/Y15155>A2398>FT114518>FT195891>FT194840>FT196036>FT196236
mTDNA H4a1a4b-a*
FamilyTreeDNA 931859 (FamilyFinder, Big Y-700, mtFull) myOrigins: England, Wales, and Scotland 62%; Scandinavia 26%; Ireland 12%
YFull YF068629=YF108828 (Y, mT)
YSeq 41625
MyHeritage Ethnicity Estimate: English 47.1%; Irish, Scottish, and Welsh 21.3%; Scandinavian 19.2%; Finnish 4.8%; West Asian 7.6%
I think haplogroups for Family Finder has started again. More than 3000 kits added to the public haplotree today.
Jalisciense, jdbreazeale, JMcB And 5 others like this post
Autosomal transfers are now displayed in family finder matching.
Hygelac, rmstevens2, jdbreazeale And 1 others like this post
(02-13-2024, 06:37 PM)Zet Wrote: Autosomal transfers are now  displayed in family finder matching.

From the beginning of the year I haven't noticed any change or new assignments at all. Is the pace so slow?
AimSmall and jdbreazeale like this post

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