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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
(01-15-2024, 05:04 PM)Mabrams Wrote: From Jaliscience
" I don't have my haplogroup yet (Nor my maternal grandfather), we didn't do the original DNA test, but instead used the raw data from MyHeritageDNA. So I know we'd be the last to receive it, but I didn't think it'd take longer than I expected."

My bold italics above

It seems that often FTDNA is working on a different concept of time than the rest of us.   It took a long time for FTDNA to implement some BigY dating etc, but then they came out with Discover, which is a very strong set of tools.   But I wonder how many delays there were to the initial launch of Discover.

FTDNA announced last July 31 that Y haplos (from Family Finder original kits) would start appearing at the end of August and be mostly done by the end of September.    So within 60 days of the announcement.  That certainly hasnt happened, and it makes you question how FTDNA could be so far off on this timeframe. 

I am guessing this is a harder task than it appears.   Then there are two (or three?) versions of Family Finder, and then My Heritage and Verogen and finally Ancestry and 23andMe, most with multiple versions.  And then FTDNA has to make sure that the new results fit in seamlessly with the multiple advanced reports that they produce.  

And FTDNA is doing this for free.    And during a time when another company's data breach has caused all sorts of unanticipated issues. 

I think the end result will be nice.    The batch of results that were released in December surpassed most people's expectations.   And that was just maybe 5% of FF-GSA results (?).    Those of us who are in the R1b group, will be so glad to get rid of R-M269.   Who knew that FTDNA was sitting on over 10,000 Y SNPs in the FF?

One of the SNPs I have been observing is in the current FF release and moves the tester up 28 levels from R-M269. Akin to the BigY500.   Of course, most people will see far less movement, but even a move of 10 branches is significant.   

OTOH, I am thinking that most of the older FTDNA kits and MH kits will be interesting but not to the depth of the FTDNA GSA kits.    And Ancestry and 23andMe kits will only be observable to the owner of the kit.  

I am looking forward to the release of the rest of the data.   We've gotten a teaser in Dec.   But this is in exercise in patience.  It might take several more months.

Do you know why 23andme/AncestryDNA Y-DNA will be observable to the owner of the kit but with MH doesn't?
23andMe: 55.5% European, 33.7% Indigenous American, 4.2% WANA, 3.4% SSA and 3.2% Unassigned
AncestryDNA: 57.27% Europe, 35.81% Indigenous Americas-Mexico, 3.46% MENA and 3.45% SSA
FamilyTreeDNA: 56.9% Europe, 33% Americas, 8.2% MENA, <2% Horn of Africa and <1% Eastern India
Living DNA: 63.3% West Iberia, 34.3% Native Americas and 2.3% Yorubaland
MyHeritage DNA: 87.4% Indigenous in Mexico and 12.6% Spanish, Catalan & Basque 

[Image: IbEDd4z.png]
(01-15-2024, 05:23 PM)Riverman Wrote: They are massively behind schedule for a lot of regular STR and BigY tests. I guess running all assignments parallel doesn't help, especially when having record numbers of new testers at the same time.

Source? It's pretty good news if business is booming for them. Based on posts in the projects I would have thought that things were slowing down.

MH kits are processed by the FTDNA lab.
Ditto for Verogen.

This allows FTDNA a lot more control over the data.

Uploads from other sites are a bit too loosey-goosey for FTDNA to treat in an official manner.

Btw uploads have to have paid the unlock fee. I don’t know if that applies to MH and Verogen.
jdbreazeale, Jalisciense, Riverman like this post
(01-15-2024, 10:37 PM)Mabrams Wrote: Jalisciense

MH kits are processed by the FTDNA lab. 
Ditto for Verogen.

This allows FTDNA a lot more control over the data. 

Uploads from other sites are a bit too loosey-goosey for FTDNA to treat in an official manner.

Btw uploads have to have paid the unlock fee.  I don’t know if that applies to MH and Verogen.

I see thanks, it seems that FTDNA is going to add the mtDNA haplogroup in their autosomal test, does it mean for MH too?

Yeah, I had to paid to unlock the full results even if it was from MH raw data, Idk about Verogen but I think they have too. Btw just to try, I used the raw data from FTDNA to MH and had to pay to get the results.
23andMe: 55.5% European, 33.7% Indigenous American, 4.2% WANA, 3.4% SSA and 3.2% Unassigned
AncestryDNA: 57.27% Europe, 35.81% Indigenous Americas-Mexico, 3.46% MENA and 3.45% SSA
FamilyTreeDNA: 56.9% Europe, 33% Americas, 8.2% MENA, <2% Horn of Africa and <1% Eastern India
Living DNA: 63.3% West Iberia, 34.3% Native Americas and 2.3% Yorubaland
MyHeritage DNA: 87.4% Indigenous in Mexico and 12.6% Spanish, Catalan & Basque 

[Image: IbEDd4z.png]
AFAIK, MyHeritage has no mtDNA SNPs in their Raw Data. Unless there is another version of MH raw data that FTDNA and MH have not released.

Ancestry has only a few, so FTDNA will have limited success with those uploads.
23andMe has about 4000 mtDNA SNPs, so FTDNA should do okay there, but probably not any better than 23andMe itself.

I have not seen any numbers as to how many mtDNA SNPs are in a complete FTDNA Family Finder Raw Data.
Riverman, jdbreazeale, Jalisciense like this post
(01-16-2024, 02:57 AM)Mabrams Wrote: AFAIK, MyHeritage has no mtDNA SNPs in their Raw Data.    Unless there is another version of MH raw data that FTDNA and MH have not released.

Ancestry has only a few, so FTDNA will have limited success with those uploads.
23andMe has about 4000 mtDNA SNPs, so FTDNA should do okay there, but probably not any better than 23andMe itself.

I have not seen any numbers as to how many mtDNA SNPs are in a complete FTDNA Family Finder Raw Data.

So FTDNA always had Y-DNA and mtDNA SNPs in their raw data? Then why when you uploaded to Cladefinder and Jameslick, didn't work and wasn't found them?

But if they are adding those SNPs now, Couldn't they also do that with MH and get the mtDNA when you transfer it to FTDNA? I mean, MH is processed by the FTDNA lab.
23andMe: 55.5% European, 33.7% Indigenous American, 4.2% WANA, 3.4% SSA and 3.2% Unassigned
AncestryDNA: 57.27% Europe, 35.81% Indigenous Americas-Mexico, 3.46% MENA and 3.45% SSA
FamilyTreeDNA: 56.9% Europe, 33% Americas, 8.2% MENA, <2% Horn of Africa and <1% Eastern India
Living DNA: 63.3% West Iberia, 34.3% Native Americas and 2.3% Yorubaland
MyHeritage DNA: 87.4% Indigenous in Mexico and 12.6% Spanish, Catalan & Basque 

[Image: IbEDd4z.png]
My FTDNA raw files, of which I have about 15 for various family members don't have Y or mtDNA. They have chromo 1-22 plus X

This was intentional so you'd buy their other tests.
Jalisciense likes this post
I cant quote a source, but my impression is that Family Finder has always had Y and mtDNA SNPs as well as health SNPs.
But FTDNA chose to scrub out these SNPs before passing on the Raw Data to the tester.

You may or may not agree with FTDNA's reasons. I am sure they had some good reasons and some annoying reasons.
I dont think it was unethical. They never promised such SNPs or mislead anybody.

I dont know if the testing from FTDNA for MH ever included mtDNA or more than the 3495 Y SNPs presently available. We'll find out, hopefully in 2024.
jdbreazeale likes this post
(01-16-2024, 03:48 AM)Jalisciense Wrote:
(01-16-2024, 02:57 AM)Mabrams Wrote: AFAIK, MyHeritage has no mtDNA SNPs in their Raw Data.    Unless there is another version of MH raw data that FTDNA and MH have not released.

Ancestry has only a few, so FTDNA will have limited success with those uploads.
23andMe has about 4000 mtDNA SNPs, so FTDNA should do okay there, but probably not any better than 23andMe itself.

I have not seen any numbers as to how many mtDNA SNPs are in a complete FTDNA Family Finder Raw Data.

So FTDNA always had Y-DNA and mtDNA SNPs in their raw data? Then why when you uploaded to Cladefinder and Jameslick, didn't work and wasn't found them?

But if they are adding those SNPs now, Couldn't they also do that with MH and get the mtDNA when you transfer it to FTDNA? I mean, MH is processed by the FTDNA lab.

FTDNA always tested yDNA and mtDNA, they just deliberately removed it, so that people use their specialised products. That's a big policy change. MyHeritage has the same chip in usage, that's why they are most compatible and comparable.
Mabrams and jdbreazeale like this post
(01-15-2024, 08:52 PM)RBHeadge Wrote:
(01-15-2024, 05:23 PM)Riverman Wrote: They are massively behind schedule for a lot of regular STR and BigY tests. I guess running all assignments parallel doesn't help, especially when having record numbers of new testers at the same time.

Source? It's pretty good news if business is booming for them. Based on posts in the projects I would have thought that things were slowing down.

FTDNA provides regular statistics of BigY-tested people, new variants in the haplotree etc. The surge is noticeable especially since the summer sale. Since then, the processing times did constantly get slower and longer. There could be other problems in the background, but it looks like FTDNA is struggling on different fronts of its processing right now. Having that big shift to yDNA by Family Finder won't make things easier, especially for the IT department.
RBHeadge, Jalisciense, jdbreazeale like this post
FTDNA did mention some technical issues in their GAP notes last week.

Processing times are considerably higher than early November. FF were 2-3 weeks in early November and 5-6 weeks currently.

I know I have yet to receive a FF match this year. In fact, I lost two. ??
I have received several Y12 matches.



FTDNA releases an official Raw Data file, that does not contain any Y SNPs and just a few mtDNA SNPs. So trying these at YSeq will be unsuccessful.

But as we can see, from the Googe Docs above, FTDNA has access to at least 9000 Y SNPs and an unknown number of mtDNA SNPs, which are not included in the official Raw Data files.

How MH fits into all of this is still unknown. 3495 Y SNPs are known, but maybe there are 9000 plus. And there may be an Unlock issue there as well.
Jalisciense, jdbreazeale, Riverman And 1 others like this post
(01-16-2024, 02:53 PM)Mabrams Wrote: FTDNA did mention some technical issues in their GAP notes last week. 

Processing times are considerably higher than early November.  FF were 2-3 weeks in early November and 5-6 weeks currently. 

I know I have yet to receive a FF match this year.  In fact, I lost two. ??
I have received several Y12 matches. 



FTDNA releases an official Raw Data file, that does not contain any Y SNPs and just a few mtDNA SNPs.  So trying these at YSeq will be unsuccessful. 

But as we can see, from the Googe Docs above,  FTDNA has access to at least 9000 Y SNPs and an unknown number of mtDNA SNPs, which are not included in the official Raw Data files.

How MH fits into all of this is still unknown.  3495 Y SNPs are known, but maybe there are 9000 plus.  And there may be an Unlock issue there as well.

I see, thanks bro; it'd be nice if there is an unlock issue and deliberately removed the mtDNA with MH and could be add later when FTDNA gives news about their mtDNA this year.
rmstevens2 and Mabrams like this post
23andMe: 55.5% European, 33.7% Indigenous American, 4.2% WANA, 3.4% SSA and 3.2% Unassigned
AncestryDNA: 57.27% Europe, 35.81% Indigenous Americas-Mexico, 3.46% MENA and 3.45% SSA
FamilyTreeDNA: 56.9% Europe, 33% Americas, 8.2% MENA, <2% Horn of Africa and <1% Eastern India
Living DNA: 63.3% West Iberia, 34.3% Native Americas and 2.3% Yorubaland
MyHeritage DNA: 87.4% Indigenous in Mexico and 12.6% Spanish, Catalan & Basque 

[Image: IbEDd4z.png]
Still nothing, ne nada, for me. Oh, crumbs.
Capsian20 and AimSmall like this post
Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us.

- Wisdom of Sirach 44:1
I've yet to see a haplogroup call based on autosomal data for any of my numerous kits or their matches. Starting to wonder if they've changed their mind on this initiative.
rmstevens2 and Capsian20 like this post
(01-24-2024, 01:31 AM)AimSmall Wrote: I've yet to see a haplogroup call based on autosomal data for any of my numerous kits or their matches.  Starting to wonder if they've changed their mind on this initiative.

Oh at least if they've changed their mind on this initiative , i hope they doing few SNP Y-DNA  in file raw data Family finder
Target: CapsianWGS_scaled
Distance: 1.2510% / 0.01251049
37.2 Iberomaurusian
36.8 Early_European_Farmer
12.8 Early_Levantine_Farmer
8.0 Steppe_Pastoralist
4.8 SSA
0.4 Iran_Neolithic
FTDNA : 91% North Africa +<2% Bedouin + <2  Southern-Levantinfo + <1 Sephardic Jewish + 3% Malta +  3%  Iberian Peninsula
23andME :  100% North Africa

WGS ( Y-DNA and mtDNA)
Y-DNA: E-A30032< A30480 ~1610 CE
mtDNA: V25b 800CE ? ( age mtDNA not accurate )

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