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Late Antiquity-Early Middle Ages cemetery in the Eastern Italian Alps
(11-28-2023, 04:02 PM)ChrisR Wrote:
(11-28-2023, 03:14 PM)R.Rocca Wrote: Perhaps the small switch can be attributable to more mixing with more traditional Alpine-type populations after this period?

As I'm only using older ancient samples for comparison to this Burgeis-Vinschgau/Venost ca. 500AD sample I do not understand clearly to which period you are referring and how later admixture (Middle Ages?) would affect the results of this sample? Do you mean the descendants of this sample by staying in the area became more "Cisalpine Gaulish"? Seems odd nonetheless as the German component should also rise at least until Late Middle Ages.
Above I added the standard Davidski Admixture Source Components for comparison which also reveals one "unusual" component shift.
So the case part of his ancestry seems to be "unusual" seems to become more substantial. Hence possibly the calculator difficulty to arrange 10-15% of his admixture. Maybe some fitting ancient DNA is missing? So my confidence my current ancient DNA collection for Tyrol admixture is "good" is lowering. AU70996 and ALP200 maybe are samples which need further investigation with various LBA-IA-RomanEmpire Ancient models.

EDIT. Regarding uniparental markers I did a quick overview for myself: E-PF4428>Y30965,FGC62255 the over 6000 ybp Haplogroup seems seldom and expand from somewhere in or near Western Fertile Crescent: https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...62255/tree , https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y30965/
Only by the ancestral Hg E-FT20896 (13400 BC) https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/E-FT20896/tree ancient samples exist, interestingly from IA Swat Valley and IA Central Asia
His mtDNA I2 ~5600 BC seems broadly West Eurasian. https://www.yfull.com/mtree/I2/ Maybe a more recent Hg can be determined.
All pieces to possibly find his unusual ancestry

I don't have a really good answer, but maybe something as subtle as mixing with populations that were lurking but don't quite fit the hard Germanic vs. Etruscan/Roman norm. Maybe in a way similar to modern linguistic isolates like Ladin or Romansh?
Moeca likes this post
Paternal: R1b-U152+ L2+ ZZ48+ FGC10543+ PR5365+, Crispino Rocca, b.~1584, Agira, Sicily, Italy
Maternal: Haplogroup H4a1-T152C!, Maria Coto, b.~1864, Galicia, Spain
Mother's Paternal: Haplogroup J1+ FGC4745/FGC4766+ PF5019+, Gerardo Caprio, b.1879, Caposele, Avellino, Campania, Italy
Father's Maternal: Haplogroup T2b-C150T, Francisca Santa Cruz, b.1916, Garganchon, Burgos, Spain
(11-28-2023, 04:02 PM)ChrisR Wrote:
(11-28-2023, 03:14 PM)R.Rocca Wrote: Perhaps the small switch can be attributable to more mixing with more traditional Alpine-type populations after this period?

EDIT. Regarding uniparental markers I did a quick overview for myself: E-PF4428>Y30965,FGC62255 the over 6000 ybp Haplogroup seems seldom and expand from somewhere in or near Western Fertile Crescent: https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...62255/tree , https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y30965/
Only by the ancestral Hg E-FT20896 (13400 BC) https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/E-FT20896/tree ancient samples exist, interestingly from IA Swat Valley and IA Central Asia
His mtDNA I2 ~5600 BC seems broadly West Eurasian. https://www.yfull.com/mtree/I2/ Maybe a more recent Hg can be determined.
All pieces to possibly find his unusual ancestry

We just mentioned that, the branch is parallel to my own, whereas ours seems overwhelmingly European FGC62255 appears essentially Arabian, maybe the result of someone from the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire who was stationed in the Rhineland limes and eventually integrated, or became a part of, folks who moved into the southern Alps after Roman administration collapsed. Or maybe it's a stray who moved into Europe thousands of years ago. Regardless, the individual appears your regular modern Alpine.

[Image: 8l7cllM.png]

E-FT20896, or better yet Y334522, is probably Indo-Iranian.
JMcB, corrigendum, vlrs like this post
[1] "distance%=1.4662"

(11-28-2023, 07:44 PM)R.Rocca Wrote:
(11-28-2023, 04:02 PM)ChrisR Wrote:
(11-28-2023, 03:14 PM)R.Rocca Wrote: Perhaps the small switch can be attributable to more mixing with more traditional Alpine-type populations after this period?

As I'm only using older ancient samples for comparison to this Burgeis-Vinschgau/Venost ca. 500AD sample I do not understand clearly to which period you are referring and how later admixture (Middle Ages?) would affect the results of this sample? Do you mean the descendants of this sample by staying in the area became more "Cisalpine Gaulish"? Seems odd nonetheless as the German component should also rise at least until Late Middle Ages.

I don't have a really good answer, but maybe something as subtle as mixing with populations that were lurking but don't quite fit the hard Germanic vs. Etruscan/Roman norm. Maybe in a way similar to modern linguistic isolates like Ladin or Romansh?
You might be onto something, and such sidevalley shifts from admix average may have survived for quite some generations. But I would at the moment not assume in Late Roman time the typical average Rhaetian province inhabitant was not quite homogeneous. The other question is if and how many of those signals have survived into modern times. We surely need a lot more IA to pre-Roman-collapse Alpine Arc results to get a clearer picture how many significant "exotic" founder effects had a lasting impact at least for some centuries. In the Rebublic era and up to the migration era and Middle Ages we surely have enough "incoming (and settling) groups/tribes" myths, some likely semi-factual to check out.

(11-28-2023, 07:52 PM)Sailcius Wrote: That branch is parallel to my own, whereas ours seems overwhelmingly European FGC62255 appears essentially Arabian, maybe the result of someone from the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire who was stationed in the Rhineland limes and eventually integrated, or became a part of, folks who moved into the southern Alps after Roman administration collapsed. Or maybe it's a stray who moved into Europe thousands of years ago. Regardless, the individual appears your regular modern Alpine.
Maybe some significant match to him will be found eventually. Beside his exotic Y-DNA also part of this admixture (maybe 10-17%) seems to be not average or regular. So it is possible his paternal line greatgrandfather was the incoming exotic individual, except we are lucky enough to find this signal also in nearby contemporary (or slightly earlier) individuals in this area to conclude it was brought from more then one individual and earlier.
R.Rocca, vlrs, JMcB like this post
Main Projects
: Tyrol DNA, Alpine DNA, J2-M172, J2a-M67, J2a-PF5197, ISOGG Wiki, GenWiki;
Focus on Y-DNA: J2a-M67-L210, J2a-PF5197-PF5169, R1a-M17, R1b-U106-Z372
I am honestly sceptical, all branches under Y31991 are so rare even today that odds are we'll never find it on more ancient samples. This find alone was like finding a needle in a haystack - you like-wise have no idea what it's doing there in the first place. Fortunately uniparental markers only tell you about one, out of thousands, of one's ancestral lines so one odd one might not say much at all.
vlrs, JMcB, R.Rocca like this post
[1] "distance%=1.4662"

(11-28-2023, 02:55 PM)ChrisR Wrote: I was not able to extract/calculate anything on the raw data yet so I used the individual 2069 K12b data from theytree and with the Linear regression matrix at allelocator created a G25 Sim.

I did a comparison with the latest Global25_PCA_scaled. Here all ancient aggregates with 2+% and how much it differs to the averages of modern Trentino & South Tyrol results, second number in () difference to the modern result with highest % of this component:

Romania_C_Bodrogkeresztur 16.0 (+15, +14)
Norway_IA.SG 11.2 (+10, +1)
Faroes_EarlyModern.SG 11.2 (+10, +9)
Armenia_LBA 7.6 (+8, +7)
Spain_C_oSteppe 6.4 (+6 , +4)
Switzerland_EBA_1 6.0, (+5, +1)
Bulgaria_LateAntiquity 5.4 (+5, +3)
Italy_Salapia_Daunian.SG 5.2. (+4, +1)
Germany_EarlyMedieval.SG 4.0 (+3, -3)
Sweden_Viking.SG 3.8
Russia_Caucasus_Maikop_Novosvobodnaya 3.8
Italy_Sardinia_IA_Punic_1 3.8
Turkey_TellAtchana_MLBA 3.6
Germany_EN_LBKv 3.4
Czech_N 2.2

So he seems to have intriguing above modern average ancestry from the East/Orient (Romania_C, Armenia_LBA, ...) and from Nordic/Scandinavia (Norway_IA.SG, Faroes_EarlyModern.SG ) populations.

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Main Projects
: Tyrol DNA, Alpine DNA, J2-M172, J2a-M67, J2a-PF5197, ISOGG Wiki, GenWiki;
Focus on Y-DNA: J2a-M67-L210, J2a-PF5197-PF5169, R1a-M17, R1b-U106-Z372
[Image: PYCL80e.png]
This is the results I got, with modern Italians for comparison. 


It seems like G25 doesn't model Mediterrenean groups correctly though in my opinion. Germanic seems to always act as an absorbing force. The problem is much worse when you use Southern Italians. Celtic seems underrepresented. If we had more ancient DNA from Northern Italy (Gauls, Ligurians, Rhaetians) this would be easier
Cascio and ChrisR like this post
With tweaked G25 ancient reference (added CaucasusArmenia_BA as group and some samples to MediterraneanCulturesUrban_BA-IA-Antiq and EarlyEuroFarmer_N-C-BA_LBK-Remedello_Balkans2Iberia) I now get this results. While I need to test this model more (plan to call it AlpineArcPreMedieval) , I think it gives some insight.

@billh: interesting statements regarding Germans and Celts. In my AlpineArcPreMedieval the "Celtic" group is 23%. What I noticed that often LBA-IA-British groups seem to fit better to old Tyrol samples then other LBA-IA-Celtic groups. Have not figured out what causes this (calc-proxy or some true historic connection to the same source population).

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While there are no news regarding autosomal analysis (theytree or other sources), for Y-DNA it seems FamilyTreeDNA has included (almost) all samples in their Discover Tree:

2425-US112 (at=Italic) is E-V13(xCTS8814) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/E-V13/tree TMRCA estimated 3145 BCE

2069-US113 (at=GalloCeltic, K12b/G25 known) is E-FGC62258(xFGC62257) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...62258/tree TMRCA estimated 3984 BCE

2427-US125 (at=Italic-EEF) is G-FT19044(xFT19542) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/G-FT19044/tree TMRCA estimated 562 BCE
The other modern descendants are two public
939237 Hans Ulrich Locher, b. 1507 and d. 1574 Switzerland G-FT19044>FT19542>FT18776
863808 Hans Ulrich Locher, b. 1507 and d. 1574 Switzerland G-FT19044>FT19542>FT18776
and one (probably) unpublic Austria G-FT19044>FT19542 (xFT18776)

2324-US158 (at=GalloCeltic) is G-FGC74134 and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...74134/tree TMRCA estimated 300 CE
The other modern descendant is public and from Vicenza, Veneto:
549519 Giacomo Panarotto b.unk d.18 Dec 1771, Montorso Italy G-FGC74134

2067-US100 (at=ItalicGaul) is I2-BY69238(xBY64082) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/I-BY69238/tree TMRCA estimated 4240 BCE

2068-US105a (at=Italic) is I2-BY54321(xS12964,FT49685) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/I-BY54321/tree TMRCA estimated 1367 BCE
The other modern descendants are from Germany, N.Ireland and Sweden

2424-US105c (at=ItalicGaul) is J2a2-FT417888(xFT417349) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...17888/tree TMRCA estimated 1174 CE ?!
The other modern descendants (probably) unpublic are from Palestine and two unknown origin, one J-FT417683 from Corsica

2423-US118 and 2419-US484(?) (at=ItalicMedit) are J2b-L283-Y51320 and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/J-Y51320/tree TMRCA estimated 550 BCE
The other modern descendant is public
225319 Leif Alstad, Alstahaug, NRL Norway J-Y51320

2426-US120 (at=ItalicMedit) and 2428-US123 (at=ItalicCelt) are R1a-M417 and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-M417/tree TMRCA estimated 3490 BCE
R-M207>M173>M420>M459>M198>M417 (I wonder if this is truly the current terminal Hg)

2404-US137 (at=Italic) is R1b-U152-S8183(xBY66078,FT44656) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-S8183/tree TMRCA estimated 2294 BCE

2417-US482(?) is R1b-U152-Y4354(xY4355,S8172) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-Y4354/tree TMRCA estimated 1920 BCE

2430-US167 (at=BritoGerman) is R1b-PF7589-CTS11659(xZ6817,FT40375) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...11659/tree TMRCA estimated 2267 BCE

Currently neither under R1b-P312 or R1b-U106 or R1b-Z2103 in discover tree:
1895-US163 (at=Italic) R1b-U152-L20?
@R.Rocca or others: could you find this sample with a deeper analysis?

NB: the (xSNP) mentions are assumptions from the discover tree but are unverified, same for the terminal SNP state, all equivalent SNPs would need to be verified in the raw data.
Manofthehour, Polska, JMcB And 7 others like this post
(12-18-2023, 07:56 AM)ChrisR Wrote: While there are no news regarding autosomal analysis (theytree or other sources), for Y-DNA it seems FamilyTreeDNA has included (almost) all samples in their Discover Tree:

2068-US105a (at=Italic) is I2-BY54321(xS12964,FT49685) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/I-BY54321/tree TMRCA estimated 1367 BCE
The other modern descendants are from Germany, N.Ireland and Sweden

This is a rare example of I2-L621 in ancient record. The Slavic I2 -L621 is further downstream of S19848.
JMcB likes this post
(11-28-2023, 02:55 PM)ChrisR Wrote: I was not able to extract/calculate anything on the raw data yet so I used the individual 2069 K12b data from theytree and with the Linear regression matrix at allelocator created a G25 Sim. 

[Image: 39MM735.png]

[Image: Qr76zj1.png]

-------------- ANCESTRY BREAKDOWN: -------------
47.875% Pannonii
26.039% Etruscans
13.216% Baetica
8.914% Gallaeci
3.956% Romans
Fit error: 0.02413341767190213

without Iberian:
-------------- ANCESTRY BREAKDOWN: -------------
54.573% Pannonii
41.513% Etruscans
2.780% Imazighen
1.134% Arabia
Fit error: 0.024657721374860428

-------------- ANCESTRY BREAKDOWN: -------------
42.925% Italy_Lazio_Viterbo_Etruscan__TAQ002_-10
24.130% Italy_Lazio_Viterbo_EarlyMedieval__TAQ011_959
16.473% ITA_Bardonecchia_EMA__Bard_T7A_650
5.272% ITA_Bardonecchia_EMA__Bard_T11_650
4.074% Croatia_SisakPogorelec_Roman.SG__R2040.SG_325
2.660% ITA_Daunian__SGR002_-500
2.165% Italy_Sardinia_IA_Punic_1__VIL006_-672
1.677% Italy_TarquiniaMonterozzi_IA.SG__R10342.SG_-94
0.625% Italy_North_EarlyMedieval_Langobards_1__CL93_605
Fit error: 0.018205240907679724
ChrisR, mha, Cascio And 2 others like this post
(12-18-2023, 08:43 AM)ph2ter Wrote: Rhaetia-Roman-Late:Burgeis-c500AD-BSS8-US113-2069-AU70996_Y-E_K12b-G25simAL
modern similarity map
IA-Roman similarity map

Thanks ph2ter. This is very useful and informative IMO. 2069-US113 from the study ancient PCA is estimated "GalloCeltic" by me, from your  IA-Roman similarity map it seems like a mostly WestBalkans-Etrucan similarity. In my comparisons I noticed the few SouthEast Alpine IA area (Slovenia, Croatia and even further) G25 results are very similar to Hallstatt-LaTene samples from Austria to Czechia and Hungary, so the Celtic element was strong there. In modern times the admixture seems to have survived in North Italy (but not Rheatia) and to South Iberia. Intriguing assumptions may arise.

Regarding 2068-US105a I2-BY54321 you certainly will look forward to autosomal data and comparison. I estimated him "Italic" so he should be even more Etruscan/Central-Italian like and most likely also WestBalkans near in IA-Roman time.
JMcB, ph2ter, Cascio like this post
Main Projects
: Tyrol DNA, Alpine DNA, J2-M172, J2a-M67, J2a-PF5197, ISOGG Wiki, GenWiki;
Focus on Y-DNA: J2a-M67-L210, J2a-PF5197-PF5169, R1a-M17, R1b-U106-Z372
(12-18-2023, 10:53 AM)ChrisR Wrote:
(12-18-2023, 08:43 AM)ph2ter Wrote: Rhaetia-Roman-Late:Burgeis-c500AD-BSS8-US113-2069-AU70996_Y-E_K12b-G25simAL
modern similarity map
IA-Roman similarity map

Thanks ph2ter. This is very useful and informative IMO. 2069-US113 from the study ancient PCA is estimated "GalloCeltic" by me, from your  IA-Roman similarity map it seems like a mostly WestBalkans-Etrucan similarity. In my comparisons I noticed the few SouthEast Alpine IA area (Slovenia, Croatia and even further) G25 results are very similar to Hallstatt-LaTene samples from Austria to Czechia and Hungary, so the Celtic element was strong there. In modern times the admixture seems to have survived in North Italy (but not Rheatia) and to South Iberia. Intriguing assumptions may arise.

Regarding 2068-US105a I2-BY54321 you certainly will look forward to autosomal data and comparison. I estimated him "Italic" so he should be even more Etruscan/Central-Italian like and most likely also WestBalkans near in IA-Roman time.

Yes, the autosomals would be interesting.
I expected to find I2-L621 Disles samples in the Alpine and north Trans-Alpine area. This is the first such ancient case.
JMcB and Capsian20 like this post
(12-18-2023, 07:56 AM)ChrisR Wrote: While there are no news regarding autosomal analysis (theytree or other sources), for Y-DNA it seems FamilyTreeDNA has included (almost) all samples in their Discover Tree:

2425-US112 (at=Italic) is E-V13(xCTS8814) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/E-V13/tree TMRCA estimated 3145 BCE

2069-US113 (at=GalloCeltic, K12b/G25 known) is E-FGC62258(xFGC62257) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...62258/tree TMRCA estimated 3984 BCE

2427-US125 (at=Italic-EEF) is G-FT19044(xFT19542) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/G-FT19044/tree TMRCA estimated 562 BCE
The other modern descendants are two public
939237 Hans Ulrich Locher, b. 1507 and d. 1574 Switzerland G-FT19044>FT19542>FT18776
863808 Hans Ulrich Locher, b. 1507 and d. 1574 Switzerland G-FT19044>FT19542>FT18776
and one (probably) unpublic Austria G-FT19044>FT19542 (xFT18776)

2324-US158 (at=GalloCeltic) is G-FGC74134 and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...74134/tree TMRCA estimated 300 CE
The other modern descendant is public and from Vicenza, Veneto:
549519 Giacomo Panarotto b.unk d.18 Dec 1771, Montorso Italy G-FGC74134

2067-US100 (at=ItalicGaul) is I2-BY69238(xBY64082) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/I-BY69238/tree TMRCA estimated 4240 BCE

2068-US105a (at=Italic) is I2-BY54321(xS12964,FT49685) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/I-BY54321/tree TMRCA estimated 1367 BCE
The other modern descendants are from Germany, N.Ireland and Sweden

2424-US105c (at=ItalicGaul) is J2a2-FT417888(xFT417349) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...17888/tree TMRCA estimated 1174 CE ?!
The other modern descendants (probably) unpublic are from Palestine and two unknown origin, one J-FT417683 from Corsica

2423-US118 and 2419-US484(?) (at=ItalicMedit) are J2b-L283-Y51320 and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/J-Y51320/tree TMRCA estimated 550 BCE
The other modern descendant is public
225319 Leif Alstad, Alstahaug, NRL Norway J-Y51320

2426-US120 (at=ItalicMedit) and 2428-US123 (at=ItalicCelt) are R1a-M417 and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-M417/tree TMRCA estimated 3490 BCE
R-M207>M173>M420>M459>M198>M417 (I wonder if this is truly the current terminal Hg)

2404-US137 (at=Italic) is R1b-U152-S8183(xBY66078,FT44656) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-S8183/tree TMRCA estimated 2294 BCE

2417-US482(?) is R1b-U152-Y4354(xY4355,S8172) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-Y4354/tree TMRCA estimated 1920 BCE

2430-US167 (at=BritoGerman) is R1b-PF7589-CTS11659(xZ6817,FT40375) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...11659/tree TMRCA estimated 2267 BCE

Currently neither under R1b-P312 or R1b-U106 or R1b-Z2103 in discover tree:
1895-US163 (at=Italic) R1b-U152-L20?
@R.Rocca or others: could you find this sample with a deeper analysis?

NB: the (xSNP) mentions are assumptions from the discover tree but are unverified, same for the terminal SNP state, all equivalent SNPs would need to be verified in the raw data.

Quote: I was not able to extract/calculate anything on the raw data yet so I used the individual 2069 K12b data from theytree and with the Linear regression matrix at allelocator created a G25 Sim. 

Hello, how can i do the same thing G25sim ? about sample modern not ancient 
I see here result K12b
North European: 51.23%
Atlantic Med: 34.30%
Gedrosia: 7.67%
Southwest Asian: 2.73%
Caucasus: 2.45%
Siberian: 1.30%
East Asian: 0.19%
Sub Saharan: 0.14%
Target: CapsianWGS_scaled
Distance: 1.2510% / 0.01251049
37.2 Iberomaurusian
36.8 Early_European_Farmer
12.8 Early_Levantine_Farmer
8.0 Steppe_Pastoralist
4.8 SSA
0.4 Iran_Neolithic
FTDNA : 91% North Africa +<2% Bedouin + <2  Southern-Levantinfo + <1 Sephardic Jewish + 3% Malta +  3%  Iberian Peninsula
23andME :  100% North Africa

WGS ( Y-DNA and mtDNA)
Y-DNA: E-A30032< A30480 ~1610 CE
mtDNA: V25b 800CE ? ( age mtDNA not accurate )
(12-18-2023, 07:56 AM)ChrisR Wrote: While there are no news regarding autosomal analysis (theytree or other sources), for Y-DNA it seems FamilyTreeDNA has included (almost) all samples in their Discover Tree:

2425-US112 (at=Italic) is E-V13(xCTS8814) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/E-V13/tree TMRCA estimated 3145 BCE

2069-US113 (at=GalloCeltic, K12b/G25 known) is E-FGC62258(xFGC62257) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...62258/tree TMRCA estimated 3984 BCE

2427-US125 (at=Italic-EEF) is G-FT19044(xFT19542) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/G-FT19044/tree TMRCA estimated 562 BCE
The other modern descendants are two public
939237 Hans Ulrich Locher, b. 1507 and d. 1574 Switzerland G-FT19044>FT19542>FT18776
863808 Hans Ulrich Locher, b. 1507 and d. 1574 Switzerland G-FT19044>FT19542>FT18776
and one (probably) unpublic Austria G-FT19044>FT19542 (xFT18776)

2324-US158 (at=GalloCeltic) is G-FGC74134 and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...74134/tree TMRCA estimated 300 CE
The other modern descendant is public and from Vicenza, Veneto:
549519 Giacomo Panarotto b.unk d.18 Dec 1771, Montorso Italy G-FGC74134

2067-US100 (at=ItalicGaul) is I2-BY69238(xBY64082) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/I-BY69238/tree TMRCA estimated 4240 BCE

2068-US105a (at=Italic) is I2-BY54321(xS12964,FT49685) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/I-BY54321/tree TMRCA estimated 1367 BCE
The other modern descendants are from Germany, N.Ireland and Sweden

2424-US105c (at=ItalicGaul) is J2a2-FT417888(xFT417349) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...17888/tree TMRCA estimated 1174 CE ?!
The other modern descendants (probably) unpublic are from Palestine and two unknown origin, one J-FT417683 from Corsica

2423-US118 and 2419-US484(?) (at=ItalicMedit) are J2b-L283-Y51320 and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/J-Y51320/tree TMRCA estimated 550 BCE
The other modern descendant is public
225319 Leif Alstad, Alstahaug, NRL Norway J-Y51320

2426-US120 (at=ItalicMedit) and 2428-US123 (at=ItalicCelt) are R1a-M417 and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-M417/tree TMRCA estimated 3490 BCE
R-M207>M173>M420>M459>M198>M417 (I wonder if this is truly the current terminal Hg)

2404-US137 (at=Italic) is R1b-U152-S8183(xBY66078,FT44656) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-S8183/tree TMRCA estimated 2294 BCE

2417-US482(?) is R1b-U152-Y4354(xY4355,S8172) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna/R-Y4354/tree TMRCA estimated 1920 BCE

2430-US167 (at=BritoGerman) is R1b-PF7589-CTS11659(xZ6817,FT40375) and in https://discover.familytreedna.com/y-dna...11659/tree TMRCA estimated 2267 BCE

Currently neither under R1b-P312 or R1b-U106 or R1b-Z2103 in discover tree:
1895-US163 (at=Italic) R1b-U152-L20?
@R.Rocca or others: could you find this sample with a deeper analysis?

NB: the (xSNP) mentions are assumptions from the discover tree but are unverified, same for the terminal SNP state, all equivalent SNPs would need to be verified in the raw data.

1895-US163 is included in Haplogroup R-U152 Ancient DNA Samples created by Richard Rocca.
It is R1b-U152>L2>L20.
Manofthehour, ChrisR, R.Rocca And 1 others like this post
I think there is no inclusion of any of these results in the official G25 or publication of Sims elsewhere?
@Stefano do you mind if I ask if you are interested in trying from https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/PRJEB60362 ?
I think having all the results would compliment the latest Cenomani and other Gaul results that are coming out.

Below again the edited PCA to understand the likely admixture of the various results:
[Image: Em3X90.jpg]
Cascio, JMcB, Stefano like this post

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