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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
(05-04-2024, 06:51 PM)randalgibbs Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 03:41 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 02:01 PM)Mitchell-Atkins Wrote: Update based on what I've been tracking.  Total number, increase over previous update on 1 May, and Percent increase since 12/9/23.

FTDNA total 350233, 8602, 23.4%

Do you have a monthly total for each month last year? I'm wondering what the trend was without the FF subclades.

I've been tracking the number of men on the public haplotree since July 2023. Here are the numbers I recorded on 1st day of each month since then.

Jul 240,247
Aug 241,552
Sep 242,830
Oct 243,469
Nov 244,314
Dec 245,254
Jan 284,791
Feb 286,704
Mar 294,205
Apr 298,243
May 323,134

Thanks. Your numbers are the same as Hygelac. That's good.
rmstevens2 and randalgibbs like this post
(05-04-2024, 07:12 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 04:58 PM)Hygelac Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 03:41 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: Do you have a monthly total for each month last year? I'm wondering what the trend was without the FF subclades.

I started tracking the public haplotree in the beginning of 2023. These are my numbers. 

February 1722
March 1220
April 1647
May 1218
June 1667
July 1327
August 1275
September 614
October 1012
November 800
December 39532
January 1918
February 7501
March 4038
April 24891
May 27029

These numbers are not exactly month to month, but pretty close. At some point in the fall of 2023 several hundred or more kits were removed from the tree so the number went down at least one time. 

BigY kits in the tree was 99.455 on the 10th of September and is now 109.538. No BigY kits added to the tree since 20th of April. I guess the're very busy adding FF kits right now.

Thanks. Using your numbers I calculated the average to be 1310 kits per month on the months with less than 4000 additions. So if the months with more than 4000 additions also had about 1310 Big Y kits, not counting May, there were about 70,000 GSA FF kits added.

How are you determining that no BigY kits added to the tree since 20th of April ?

December 39532, April 24891, and May 27029. It's barely 4 days into May. They really are ramping up.

The BigY number today is still the same as it was on the 20th of April. 

From February 1 to June 2 2023 the kits in the public tree went from 232752 to  238785. On average 355 kits every week. From February 5 to April 5  this year it went from 291402 to  298667. On average 908 kits every week. I selected this period as I don't think any old FF kits were added. So my guess is that on a normal week 5-600 new FF kits are added to tree each week.
Riverman and rmstevens2 like this post
(05-04-2024, 07:39 PM)Hygelac Wrote: The BigY number today is still the same as it was on the 20th of April. 

Where do you get that stat from?


From February 1 to June 2 2023 the kits in the public tree went from 232752 to  238785. On average 355 kits every week.

(238785- 232752)/4=1508 per month

Quote:From February 5 to April 5  this year it went from 291402 to  298667. On average 908 kits every week. I selected this period as I don't think any old FF kits were added. So my guess is that on a normal week 5-600 new FF kits are added to tree each week.

(298667-291402)/4=1816 per month

We can use the high number for the total average per month even from February 1 to June 2 2023 to be conservative. That still means that there was an addition of at least 63142 GSA FF kits.

Also the lack of additional Big Y since 20th of April highlights that they really are ramping up the processing of FF kits.
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(05-04-2024, 07:39 PM)Hygelac Wrote: The BigY number today is still the same as it was on the 20th of April. 

The number of new BigY results being added is low for quite some time, but really zero for about 2 weeks is exceptional. There seems to be kind of a jam in the BigY queue again.
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(05-04-2024, 08:42 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 07:39 PM)Hygelac Wrote: The BigY number today is still the same as it was on the 20th of April. 

Where do you get that stat from?

You can determine the number of Big Y tests by typing A-PR2921 in "Go to Branch Name" in the block tree and then hovering your mouse over the Aggregated Public Variants under Both A-L1090 and A-L1087 which will display the number of downstream Big Y participants.

Currently there are 109,529 Big Y tests under A-L1090 and 9 Big Y tests under A-L1087 or 109,538 total
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(05-04-2024, 10:04 PM)randalgibbs Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 08:42 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 07:39 PM)Hygelac Wrote: The BigY number today is still the same as it was on the 20th of April. 

Where do you get that stat from?

You can determine the number of Big Y tests by typing A-PR2921 in "Go to Branch Name" in the block tree and then hovering your mouse over the Aggregated Public Variants under Both A-L1090 and A-L1087 which will display the number of downstream Big Y participants.

Currently there are 109,529 Big Y tests under A-L1090 and 9 Big Y tests under A-L1087 or 109,538 total

Thanks. I found what you mentioned in the Big Y block tree. They should add those stats to the public haplotree.
Mabrams and rmstevens2 like this post
(05-04-2024, 10:04 PM)randalgibbs Wrote: You can determine the number of Big Y tests by typing A-PR2921 in "Go to Branch Name" in the block tree and then hovering your mouse over the Aggregated Public Variants under Both A-L1090 and A-L1087 which will display the number of downstream Big Y participants.

Currently there are 109,529 Big Y tests under A-L1090 and 9 Big Y tests under A-L1087 or 109,538 total

The number of Big Y tests in R-L23 in the Block tree and the number of Downstream participants in the Public Haplotree in R-M269 and in the immediate subclade of R-L23 is interesting. The number is much higher in the Public Haplotree than it is in the Block tree. If that is accurate then a very high number of R-L23 people also had SNP pack tests or individual SNP tests, apart from the recently added FF kits. Y12 through Y111 only give a prediction and it is normally R-M269.

R-L23 Big Y 47,402
R-L23 Haplotree 124,180

Difference 76,778 R-L23 kits without Big Y.  That's way more than the number of Big Y kits.

It's too bad Big Y is so expensive and wasn't around since the beginning of FTDNA at a low cost.

Have you kept track of total Big Y kits on a monthly basis?
(05-04-2024, 11:18 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: Have you kept track of total Big Y kits on a monthly basis?

I started in July 2023, when I figured out how to do so.

Jul 96245
Aug 97621
Sep 98987
Oct 100285
Nov 101378
Dec 102218
Jan 103372
Feb 104402
Mar 106474
Apr 108936
May 109538
Mabrams, ArmandoR1b, Riverman And 3 others like this post
Using numbers from Randal et al

Today          350,233
Dec 1 2023  245,254 
New            104,979

Today          109,538
Dec 1          102,218
New               7,320

New - All     104,979
New - BigY     7,320

New FF        97,659   Approximate !!

Any day now, we could push over 100,000   

Approximate since the updating started around Dec 9 (?), not Dec 1.  And there are probably a few SNP Packs/Tests in those numbers.  And maybe something else I overlooked
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I just thought of something. We don't know how many male FF kits also had a Y12-Y111 test. Is there a way to figure that out?
rmstevens2 and Hygelac like this post
(05-05-2024, 12:33 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: I just thought of something. We don't know how many male FF kits also had a Y12-Y111 test. Is there a way to figure that out?

Must be a minority because for my branch the newly assigned project members and STR matches are in no relation to the total number of new FF assigned branch members. We have about 150 newly assigned members from FF, but in my match list or project group its about 10-20. Therefore at least more than two thirds to three fourths of the newly assigned FF testers are very likely to have no other yDNA test.
That also means all those potential matches are invisible if they share no or not enough autosomal DNA.
Hygelac and rmstevens2 like this post
(05-05-2024, 12:47 PM)Riverman Wrote:
(05-05-2024, 12:33 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: I just thought of something. We don't know how many male FF kits also had a Y12-Y111 test. Is there a way to figure that out?

Must be a minority because for my branch the newly assigned project members and STR matches are in no relation to the total number of new FF assigned branch members. We have about 150 newly assigned members from FF, but in my match list or project group its about 10-20. Therefore at least more than two thirds to three fourths of the newly assigned FF testers are very likely to have no other yDNA test.

So on the conservative side only about 25% of newly assigned FF subclades are for people that already had Y12-Y111 testing. I think we can take for granted most of the SNP tested people in the Public Haplotree prior to December that aren't Big Y tested also had Y12-Y111 testing since they couldn't get SNP packs without Y12-Y111 IIRC. Geno 2.0 testers also had SNP results. I really doubt we will get the number of Geno 2.0 SNP tested people without Y-STR results.

Quote: Riverman

That also means all those potential matches are invisible if they share no or not enough autosomal DNA.

Of course. I guess some people might not have thought of that.
Hygelac, rmstevens2, Riverman like this post
(05-04-2024, 07:30 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 06:51 PM)randalgibbs Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 03:41 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: Do you have a monthly total for each month last year? I'm wondering what the trend was without the FF subclades.

I've been tracking the number of men on the public haplotree since July 2023. Here are the numbers I recorded on 1st day of each month since then.

Jul 240,247
Aug 241,552
Sep 242,830
Oct 243,469
Nov 244,314
Dec 245,254
Jan 284,791
Feb 286,704
Mar 294,205
Apr 298,243
May 323,134

Thanks. Your numbers are the same as Hygelac. That's good.

(05-04-2024, 11:38 PM)randalgibbs Wrote:
(05-04-2024, 11:18 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: Have you kept track of total Big Y kits on a monthly basis?

I started in July 2023, when I figured out how to do so.

Jul 96245
Aug 97621
Sep 98987
Oct 100285
Nov 101378
Dec 102218
Jan 103372
Feb 104402
Mar 106474
Apr 108936
May 109538

Your numbers really help put some things into perspective. The first large uptick in total SNP tested kits is January 1. So the uptick was in December. So the count on Dec 1, 2023 of 245254 total kits - 102218 Big Y kits is 143,036. No way to tell what percentage also had Y12-Y111 and what percentage are from Geno 2.0 or similar. Let's say it's 50%, which of course it isn't but just to hopefully get a conservative idea of kits with Y12-Y111. That brings it down to ~71,518 kits with STR testing before the additional FF SNP results. That's still a good number compared to the current 109,538 Big Y kits. That comes out to an additional 65%. So FTDNA still has an edge over YFull but not quite what the Public Haplotree made it seem.

FTDNA should provide, in the Public Haplotree, the actual number of STR tested kits with SNP testing and the number of FF kits without STR testing in addition to the total number of SNP tested kits and the total number of Big Y tested kits.

There is also a number of people with STR tested people without FF. I guess they are about 25%. So we will all still see people with STR matching, even at the Y67 or Y111 level, without a haplogroup.
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(05-05-2024, 12:33 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: I just thought of something. We don't know how many male FF kits also had a Y12-Y111 test. Is there a way to figure that out?

If you keep track of your FF matches you can get a rough number. I checked my matches and these are my results.

Updated or new haplogroups since December 1th 2023 excluding Big Y
571 kits

With STR tests and no Big Y tests

FF only

So among my matches there are 30% with STR tests and 70% with FF only. Here I'm not counting all the new testers since FTDNA turned off the option to download matches. Anyone else got numbers from their matches?
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(05-05-2024, 03:03 PM)Hygelac Wrote:
(05-05-2024, 12:33 PM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: I just thought of something. We don't know how many male FF kits also had a Y12-Y111 test. Is there a way to figure that out?

Updated or new haplogroups since December 1th 2023 excluding Big Y
571 kits

With STR tests and no Big Y tests

FF only

So among my matches there are 30% with STR tests and 70% with FF only. Here I'm not counting all the new testers since FTDNA turned off the option to download matches. Anyone else got numbers from their matches?

It's unfortunate that it is that low but at least it's not less than that. I hope FTDNA puts out exact numbers at some point. After all they do report Big Y kits and SNP tested kits.

Quote: Hygelac

If you keep track of your FF matches you can get a rough number. I checked my matches and these are my results.

Even if I had kept up with my FF matches with STR and without STR testing, which I didn't, I still like to see the results of others in order to show that most people have found roughly the same estimate.
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