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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
(05-25-2024, 05:32 PM)Dewsloth Wrote:
(05-25-2024, 03:22 PM)Mitchell-Atkins Wrote: Luxembourg reaches 100 total samples,
19 U106
16 U152
10 Hg J
9 DF27
8 Hg E
7 Hg I
5 R1a
5 DF19
5 Hg G
3 L21
2 PF7589
1 S1194

5% DF19 :eek:  Might be tops for countries over 100 results. Smile

Good news:  All 5 are in the Block Tree.
Bad news:  Not one is in the DF19 group.

Block Tree Breakdown:  
3 DF88 (only 2 show in Discover)
1 Z302
1 Unknown -- there is a known, identified third DF19 branch, R-FTB38073, but he is not there in the Block Tree, and all 9 known FTB38073 to date are UK/Irish, maybe back to BA or maybe newer.
Discover has 4 from Luxembourg (2 DF88, 1 Z302, one unknown) and also 4 branches below DF19 (one branch is still an un-named singleton).
Fredduccine and Mitchell-Atkins like this post
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106) b1584; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635
I have no idea if this is significant or not since the genealogical data are lacking. My paternal grandmother's maiden surname was Pierce. A 22 cM male Pierce match of mine - again I don't know if the connection is on my paternal grandmother's Pierce line or not - just got an R-U106 result via Family Finder. Could be something, might be nothing. I hesitated to even mention it, but then I figured what the heck?

This is the kind of stuff I'm looking for though. I don't really care about the overall total haplogroup stats.
JMcB and Dewsloth like this post
Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us.

- Wisdom of Sirach 44:1
R-U106 is the second largest branch of R-M269. A slight narrowing.

Out of the entire FTDNA database, R-U106 is about 10%. So you could say that a U106 identification rules out 90% of males.

If you really want to look at this a bit harder, FTDNA is testing plenty of SNPs downstream of U106. The fact that your match did not test positive for one of those implies that he is likely on a branch that was not tested. Probably a small branch off U106.

btw, U106 is also known as M405 or S21
rmstevens2 likes this post
The three largest subclades of U106 are Z381, Z18, and FGC3681.  They comprise over 90% of U106.  They are specifically tested in FF v3.
                                              54K               43K      7K                    1K

"So you could say that a U106 identification rules out 90% of males."

A U106 is perhaps more useful than it looks like at first glance.  A strategy of Process of Elimination works well in this case.

You can refine 99 further as there are still a few more smaller branches that are also tested.


In V2, Z381 is tested.  IDK about the others.
rmstevens2, Riverman, jdbreazeale like this post
(05-27-2024, 04:22 AM)Mabrams Wrote: R-U106 is the second largest branch of R-M269.  A slight narrowing.

Out of the entire FTDNA database, R-U106 is about 10%.  So you could say that a U106 identification rules out 90% of males. 

If you really want to look at this a bit harder, FTDNA is testing plenty of SNPs downstream of U106.  The fact that your match did not test positive for one of those implies that he is likely on a branch that was not tested.  Probably a small branch off U106.

btw, U106 is also known as M405 or S21

Yeah, I was around back when Dr. Jim Wilson and his company, then called Ethnoancestry, later called BritainsDNA (and ScotlandsDNA), were the only ones testing for "S21", which was the original name and the only one it had for quite awhile.

In fact, I ordered what was called the "S Series" test from Ethnoancestry back in 2006, which included S21, S28 (U152) and a few other S-prefix odds and ends. That cost me a couple of hundred bucks back then, and I came up with a goose egg: ancestral for all of them.
Fredduccine, jdbreazeale, Mabrams like this post
Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us.

- Wisdom of Sirach 44:1
Well very interesting i was looking in my matches DNA (Family Finder) i find this person is subclade is E-L618 <CTS1975<BY6630 for his DNA Autosomal is England and Scandinavia
rmstevens2, Dewsloth, Riverman like this post
Target: CapsianWGS_scaled
Distance: 1.2510% / 0.01251049
37.2 Iberomaurusian
36.8 Early_European_Farmer
12.8 Early_Levantine_Farmer
8.0 Steppe_Pastoralist
4.8 SSA
0.4 Iran_Neolithic
FTDNA : 91% North Africa +<2% Bedouin + <2  Southern-Levantinfo + <1 Sephardic Jewish + 3% Malta +  3%  Iberian Peninsula
23andME :  100% North Africa

WGS ( Y-DNA and mtDNA)
Y-DNA: E-A30032< A30480 ~1610 CE
mtDNA: V25b 800CE ? ( age mtDNA not accurate )
I found a FF kit that was processed recently that was originally completed in 2015. Anyone else?
rmstevens2 likes this post
I have a couple of FF matches with my surname without Y-DNA assignments who are showing match dates of 2021. Is that right, or is 2021 some kind of weird default display? Are there still 2021 testers out there without Y-DNA assignments?

Anyway, one of them I know for a fact did not do the Family Finder test all that long ago, although I guess it could have been 2021. He is an Ancestry match of mine whom I was after to have his Y-DNA tested with FTDNA, but then he ordered a Family Finder test, either by mistake or because it was obviously very much cheaper than any Y-DNA test.
Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us.

- Wisdom of Sirach 44:1
I have one single STR match with Family Finder and from after 2020. But I don't know for sure when he did the FF. Other than him, all younger ones are done and most left are autosomal transfers.
rmstevens2 likes this post
(05-29-2024, 09:33 PM)rmstevens2 Wrote: I have a couple of FF matches with my surname without Y-DNA assignments who are showing match dates of 2021. Is that right, or is 2021 some kind of weird default display? Are there still 2021 testers out there without Y-DNA assignments?

Anyway, one of them I know for a fact did not do the Family Finder test all that long ago, although I guess it could have been 2021. He is an Ancestry match of mine whom I was after to have his Y-DNA tested with FTDNA, but then he ordered a Family Finder test, either by mistake or because it was obviously very much cheaper than any Y-DNA test.

Yes, 2021 is a default date.   On July 1, 2021 FTDNA implemented a new interface for Family Finder as well retooling their matches.   This was when they dropped all the matching segments down to 1 cM.    The new calculations must have been done in April or so, as I believe all older matches now say April or May, 2021.  

FTDNA seems to be working on 2015 based upon Armando's post.   I believe 2015 will be a big year for FF updating as many 2010 to 2014 kits were retested in July, 2015.   (Mine was, as I tested in 2011). I am not sure what happens to the remaining 2010 to 2014 kits.
jdbreazeale and rmstevens2 like this post
(05-30-2024, 12:00 AM)Mabrams Wrote: I believe 2015 will be a big year for FF updating as many 2010 to 2014 kits were retested in July, 2015.   (Mine was, as I tested in 2011).  I am not sure what happens to the remaining 2010 to 2014 kits.

Where can we find more information about FF kits from before 2015 being retested July, 2015? They are not mentioned by Roberta and they are not in the slide provided by FTDNA that Roberta posted at https://dna-explained.com/2023/11/30/fam...mal-tests/ and I don't find anything about them in a Google search and I don't remember them being mentioned.
jdbreazeale likes this post
(05-30-2024, 12:12 AM)ArmandoR1b Wrote:
(05-30-2024, 12:00 AM)Mabrams Wrote: I believe 2015 will be a big year for FF updating as many 2010 to 2014 kits were retested in July, 2015.   (Mine was, as I tested in 2011).  I am not sure what happens to the remaining 2010 to 2014 kits.

Where can we find more information about FF kits from before 2015 being retested July, 2015? They are not mentioned by Roberta and they are not in the slide provided by FTDNA that Roberta posted at https://dna-explained.com/2023/11/30/fam...mal-tests/ and I don't find anything about them in a Google search and I don't remember them being mentioned.

Wikipedia has a reference, but the source link is broken. " The initial product used an Affymetrix microarray chip, but FamilyTreeDNA changed to the Illumina OmniExpress chip and retested all customers who had results from the Affymetrix chip for forward compatibility." I am not sure if that is referring to 2015 or not.

Roberta does refer to kits from 2010 to 2015 as V1s. But she does not say they were retested. Not much has been said about the v1s.

If you are a GAP, you can look at Received Lab Results as well as the Ordering History for each individual.  Many Family Finders were updated in July 2015 but some were not.
jdbreazeale likes this post
I found a blog entry for a conversion in 2011 from Affymetrix to Illumina OmniExpress at http://www.yourgeneticgenealogist.com/20...-chip.html and the FTDNA forums has a thread on it at https://forums.familytreedna.com/forum/u...s-complete

I was tested in 2012 so I didn't need to have my kit converted then. There is nothing in my own history about an update in 2015 either. My mother and my uncle were tested within a year or two of when I was tested. No history for them being updated either.
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(05-30-2024, 03:38 AM)ArmandoR1b Wrote: I found a blog entry for a conversion in 2011 from Affymetrix to Illumina OmniExpress at http://www.yourgeneticgenealogist.com/20...-chip.html and the FTDNA forums has a thread on it at https://forums.familytreedna.com/forum/u...s-complete

I was tested in 2012 so I didn't need to have my kit converted then. There is nothing in my own history about an update in 2015 either. My mother and my uncle were tested within a year or two of when I was tested. No history for them being updated either.

hmmm, the time frame has me bamboozled.   Still not sure what  happened then or why.   

My FF Order History has entries for Ordered and Batched in 2011.  Completed on July 20, 2015.   Same Batch Number.   
On the GAP Received Lab Results, my procedure on July 20, 2015 was a Chip02.    I did not order that procedure.  I doubt I even noticed back then.  

From the FTDNA forum, a comment from 2011 (not about my kit)
Family Finder Conversion(Chip02) 03/30/2011 400

I guess I will get a better notion of what is happening after more updating results come in.
jdbreazeale likes this post
(05-23-2024, 05:02 PM)Dewsloth Wrote: Holy cow.  I saved the results from May 10 and just checked again, this morning.  A massive jump:
May 10 -- MAY 23 -- May 30
6 R-FT88174 1300 BCE 48 49  51
7 R-FT354149 1400 BCE 232 271  308
8 R-Z17112 1450 BCE 860 998  1,180
9 R-S4268 1450 BCE 1,125 1,265 1,447 -- S4268 and S4281 are where I am seeing new FF matches show up
10 R-S4281 1600 BCE 1,378 1,717  2,198
11 R-FGC11833 1900 BCE 1,407 1,747  2,228
12 R-DF88 2100 BCE 1,526 1,895  2,408
13 R-DF19 2550 BCE 2,092 2,564  3,191

May 30 in bold+underline ^^^
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106) b1584; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635

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