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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
FTDNA has over 2 million in it's database and 285,000 of them are on their y dna haplotree.

For simple math lets say there 2 million are available for this update, of which 1 million are men.

So 3% tested in December 2023, means roughly 30,000 men or ~1145 additional U152 men (above the normal testing growth) should have been identified by now.

U152 #
Feb 13, 2019:  5532 U152 samples in the FTDNA database
Jan 4 2020:  5712 3.6% increase annualized growth
Dec 31 2020:  6385, 11.8% increase over previous year
Jan 2 2022:  7803, 22.2% increase over previous year
Jan 1 2023:  8474, 8.6% increase over previous year.

From Jan 2020 to Jan 23 annual growth averaged 14.2% over the previous year
8474 x 1.142 = 9677 is roughly what we would normally expect

Right now as of Dec 25 2023, there are 10873 men in the FTDNA database, or 1196 more than would be expected based on prior years.  That's a 28.3% increase over the previous year.

If FTDNA has tested 3% of the database then the U152 project numbers are in line with what should be expected based on these numbers (1145 vs 1196 increase).

But what's discouraging to me is that there has been no corresponding dramatic increase in numbers below U152>L2 on my line.

So I'm not sure this update is going to be of much personal benefit.

But I'm glad that it appears to be helping others like Riveman.
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50% English, 15% Welsh, 15% Scot/Ulster Scot, 5% Irish, 10% German, 2% Scandi, 2% French & Dutch), 1% India
Ancient ~40% Anglo-Saxon, ~40% Briton/Insular Celt, ~15% German, 4% Other Euro
600 AD: 55% Anglo-Saxon (CNE), 45% Pre-Anglo-Saxon Briton (WBI)
“Be more concerned with seeking the truth than winning an argument” 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by Mitchell-Atkins - 12-26-2023, 12:31 AM

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