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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
I manage a small surname project. Yesterday I noticed that one of my members, a Y-37 tester with FamilyFinder, had a new terminal, and I confirmed this with the "Received Lab Results" report - it had a new "prediction" at the top of the list. I had previously called him I2-Y3723 (possibly Y4665) per NevGen, but FTDNA is now calling him I-FGC7189 which is one step below I-Y4665. Not too bad. They have also called 352 SNPs for him (visible on the project DNA SNP results page). That surprised me!

My dad has FF, and his results should roll out shortly. I'm interested to see how close they put him to my (and my brother's) terminal.
JMcB, JonikW, Uintah106 And 3 others like this post
Y-DNA I1a2a1a1a1a1a1~ I-M253>DF29>Z58>Z59>CTS8647>Z61>Z60>Z140>Z141>Z2535>L338>A1944/Y15155>A2398>FT114518>FT195891>FT194840>FT196036>FT196236
mTDNA H4a1a4b-a*
FamilyTreeDNA 931859 (FamilyFinder, Big Y-700, mtFull) myOrigins: England, Wales, and Scotland 62%; Scandinavia 26%; Ireland 12%
YFull YF068629=YF108828 (Y, mT)
YSeq 41625
MyHeritage Ethnicity Estimate: English 47.1%; Irish, Scottish, and Welsh 21.3%; Scandinavian 19.2%; Finnish 4.8%; West Asian 7.6%

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RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by jdbreazeale - 12-11-2023, 08:15 PM

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