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Z49>Z142>Z150>FGC12381, Y3140 > FGC12378, Y3142
Just wanted to post this link in this thread for reference

Quote:Britons abroad : the mobility of Britons and the circulation of British-made objects
in the Roman Empire


Table 3.1 Position of ala (Cavalry regiment) I Britannica
AD 69  Northern Italy Britain (ca AD 70 – 80)
Flavian dynasty  Germania Superior (ca AD 70 (?) – 86),  Pannonia (AD 86 – 105)
Dacian Wars  Pannonia (until AD 105) Dacia (AD 105 – 106)
Early second to Third century  Pannonia Inferior (AD 110 – 252)

Origin of Known personnel:
Britannia 1
Gallia 2
Borderland Germania Superior and Gallia Belgica 4
Pannonia 12
Noricum 1
Thracia 7
Unknown 6

Quote:Only two British brooches were reported from two military installations in Pannonia:
Győr, and Szöny, both in Hungary.

Table 3.8 Known origin of soldiers of ala I Brittonum
British tribes / Britannia: Town of Lindum ( modern day Lincoln, Lincolnshire) 1 
Thracian tribes / Thracia 1 Baetica 1 
Pannonian tribes / Pannonia: Town of Sirmium Pannonia Inferior 1 1
NOTE:   Ancient sample R3918 1072 AD Z150>FGC12378>-FGC47869> in Sirmium, Serbia ~1071 AD

Cohors I Belgarum:   likely raised from the British tribal entity the Belgae, in southern Britain
Position of cohors I Belgarum
Flavian dynasty  Germania Superior (until AD 97)
Second & Third century   Dalmatia (AD 97 – ca AD 197)

Table 3.12 Known origin of soldiers of cohors I Belgarum
Gallic tribes / Gaul: Lingauster 1
Illyrian tribes / Dalmatia:  Daesitae 1,  Maezaei 1 Town Iadia / Iader 1
Pannonian tribes / Pannonia:  Pannonia ,  Azinas / Azalus 1
NOTE:  Ancient sample R3747 178 AD Z150>FGC12378 in Iadar/Zadar, Croatia in 178 AD

Kind of crazy 2 of the 3 ancient FGC12378 samples are the same as locations for these units.
Webb, JonikW, Fredduccine like this post
50% English, 15% Welsh, 15% Scot/Ulster Scot, 5% Irish, 10% German, 2% Scandi, 2% French & Dutch), 1% India
Ancient ~40% Anglo-Saxon, ~40% Briton/Insular Celt, ~15% German, 4% Other Euro
600 AD: 55% Anglo-Saxon (CNE), 45% Pre-Anglo-Saxon Briton (WBI)
“Be more concerned with seeking the truth than winning an argument” 

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RE: Z49>Z142>Z150>FGC12381, Y3140 > FGC12378, Y3142 - by Mitchell-Atkins - 12-10-2023, 08:23 PM

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