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Genetic Genealogy & Ancient DNA (TITLES/ABSTRACTS)
I think this thread needs to pinned. Thanks!
JMcB, Hodo Scariti, jamtastic And 11 others like this post
Paternal: R1b-U152+ L2+ ZZ48+ FGC10543+ PR5365+, Crispino Rocca, b.~1584, Agira, Sicily, Italy
Maternal: Haplogroup H4a1-T152C!, Maria Coto, b.~1864, Galicia, Spain
Mother's Paternal: Haplogroup J1+ FGC4745/FGC4766+ PF5019+, Gerardo Caprio, b.1879, Caposele, Avellino, Campania, Italy
Father's Maternal: Haplogroup T2b-C150T, Francisca Santa Cruz, b.1916, Garganchon, Burgos, Spain

Messages In This Thread
RE: Genetic Genealogy & Ancient DNA (TITLES/ABSTRACTS) - by R.Rocca - 10-03-2023, 09:19 PM

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