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Childebayeva et al. Bronze Age Northern Eurasian Genetics
Y-DNA results for Rostovka site
ROT002  N1a1a1a1a L392  1938-1700 calBC
ROT003  R1a1a1 M417  4150-3800 BP, stratigraphic context
ROT004  Q1b M346  2202-1983 calBC
ROT006  R1b1a1a M73  4150-3800 BP, stratigraphic context
ROT011  C2a L1373  2054-1174 calBC
ROT015  C2a1a4 F9992  2133-1919 calBC
ROT016  R1a1a1b Z645  2137-1919 calBC
ROT017  Q1b1 L53  4150-3800 BP, stratigraphic context

Elite samples were R1a. Coverage seems to be rather low so likely R1a-Z93+. RO003 was seemingly full Steppe MLBA-like and ROT016 mixed Steppe-MLBA/WSHG-type.

Quote:Grave 8, in which RO003 was buried, is particularly rich. It contains two lanceheads of the types KD-10 and KD-14, a socket ax of type K-20, a dagger blade of the type NK-6, several small flint arrowheads, two rectangular flint blades, and a bone handle. 

The inventory of grave 33, in which ROT016 was buried, contains a lancehead of type KD-24, two gold rings, several small flint arrowheads, two stone objects, which are usually described as arrow-smoothers, and a big number of perforated bone battens. These battens are interpreted as the remains of a piece of body-armor.

Reconstructed bone armor of ROT016

[Image: LPxKIwi.jpg]

Archaelogical context for the N-L392  sample. Only this sample seems to have a Kra001 autosomal profile + Uralic-related Y-DNA. Rest of the samples are on a WSHG-cline + some Steppe_MLBA

Quote:The individual ROT002 was buried together with a dagger blade of the type NK-4, several nonspecific flint-tools, a grindstone, two ceramic vessels and a bone-arrowhead, similar to arrowheads, which were found among the ST-materials of the Kaminskaya Cave on the western site of the Urals.

[Image: LP44kY6.png]
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RE: Childebayeva et al. Bronze Age Northern Eurasian Genetics - by Andar - 10-03-2023, 07:33 AM

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