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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
(06-30-2024, 06:56 AM)Jalisciense Wrote:
(06-27-2024, 06:33 PM)Mabrams Wrote: From FTDNA  Admin Newsletter, June 27 2024

"Family Finder Y-Haplogroup update

We've finished issuing the Family Finder Y-DNA haplogroups for Family-Finder-tested customers through late 2015. Next will be a few that were ordered through resellers, the first chip (2010 to about Oct. 2015), and autosomal transfers. The latter won’t start until probably mid-July or so."

Thanks! This was the info that I needed read and know.

You are very likely going to get the same thing as Yseq Cladefinder. They use the raw data from the autosomal file from the other company. The only people that get a downstream SNP is if one of the SNPs tested by another company is a recurrent SNP in another haplogroup. The resolution of the other companies is normally too low to get one of those recurrent SNPs.
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RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by ArmandoR1b - 06-30-2024, 03:16 PM

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