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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
My feeling is that the updating has gone back to 2015. (I don't have any 2014 kits to examine). So there are still a lot of 2010 to 2015 Version 1 kits to update. Although I have no idea how to estimate the number of such kits.

Then after that are the MyHeritage kits. I am not sure how many of those there are, and if the unlock fee applies to them. (No V1 MH kits, prior to 2019).

And then the Vitagene kits, but I suspect that is a very small number.


On my Family Finder, I have cross referenced many matches at MH. More than I expected. But I can also find many of these people at AncestryDNA and perhaps that is the source of the upload.


I understand not putting AncestryDNA or 23andMe Y SNPs on the official Haplotree.

But I dont understand why they are displayed only to the user. I would like to see them as well. The match is already tagged Autosomal Transfer, so its not that confusing.

Some of the 23andMe v5 haplos are pretty good.

My AncestryDNA v1 Raw Data was projected at R-U106 at YSeq Clade Finder. Which is a lot better than "blank".
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RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by Mabrams - 06-27-2024, 03:29 PM

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