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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
(06-15-2024, 02:05 PM)RBHeadge Wrote: I tried looking for these haplogroups, based on their positions, on the v4 and v5 chip spreadsheets without success. The positions are different. CTS6889 and PF7592 are found on v5, but with different positions.

A few of these haplogroups, sort of, "make sense" for inclusion on a chip. PF7589, CTS6889, A5922, S1141, CTS6889, CTS11824, A614 are all on the main trunk of PF7589. "Make Sense" is a relative term here, since PF7589 isn't that common compared with other haplogroups.
What doesn't make sense is the inclusion of BY38968, BY11300, BY12063, which are relatively minor branches even by PF7589 standards.

I am not familiar with those haplogroups or their subclades so I can't help much. The v4 and v5 spreadsheets are based on hg19 and don't include all of the recurrent positions that FTDNA has decided to use for some subclades. The FamilyTreeDNA FF haplogroup sheet and Discover site is based on hg38. There are several ways to find the equivalent positions between hg19 and hg38. One is the ISOGG SNP Index at https://isogg.org/tree/ISOGG_YDNA_SNP_Index.html Another is, if you have a YFull account, https://www.yfull.com/check-snp/ , A third is UCSC Liftover. https://liftover.broadinstitute.org/ Lastly there is a way to search at 23andme but the timeout is annoying.

With the ISOGG Index you can do a search of SNP or position and you get SNP name, synonyms, hg198, and hg38. There is a limit of mutations though so you will have to try the other methods if not found there.

At the specific page at YFull you can do a search of the SNP. You get SNP name, synonyms, hg198, and hg38 as well as other information and has all mutations. There is another page for positions.

The last you have to type out chry:position-position. For instance chry:16149660-16149660 which takes you to https://liftover.broadinstitute.org/#inp...38-to-hg19 This page won't tell you the name of the SNP.

Something else that you want to pay attention to is the number of Branch Participants for the specific branch in the public haplotree. For instance R-BY38964 has 0 Branch Participants. That means that FTDNA does not have any FF participants that are terminal at that branch. They are downstream. So it isn't fruitful to look up more information on that regarding FF haplogroups. You need to look downstream. Once you get to the terminal groups you will see a number under Branch Participants. Then you have to compare to the Block Tree to see if some are terminal with Big Y or not.

If you know which project the participants are in you will see a list of positive SNPs and a low number of negative SNPs if the haplogroup was identified by FF. If you know of some and then you can look up the SNPs or positions in the available tools posted above.
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RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by ArmandoR1b - 06-15-2024, 06:56 PM

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