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Genetic Genealogy & Ancient DNA (TITLES/ABSTRACTS)
No paper yet just an abstract I believe.

Preliminary results of bioanthropological and archaeogenetic analyzes of human osteological material from the Čik necropolis (6th-7th century)

Ksenija Djukic; Leonid Vyazov

This paper will present the preliminary results of bioanthropological and archaeogenetic analyzes of human osteological material from the early medieval necropolis in Chik. The archaeological locality Čik is located in the north of Serbia, in the Juznobački district, near the town of Bečej. During the archaeological investigations, which were carried out on several occasions, it was established that it is a multi-layered site. In professional literature, this locality is best known for its necropolis, which dates back to the period from the 6th to the 7th century, and the archaeological material found in the graves is determined to belong to the Avar cultural circle. The bioanthropological analysis of the skeletons from this necropolis included a total of 103 individuals, of which 27% were male, 28% were female, while 31% of the skeletons belonged to children. It was not possible to determine gender for 13% of individuals. To understand the archaeogenetic pattern of the population buried in Čik, we sequenced 28 individuals and analyzed them using methods based on allele frequencies and autosomal haplotypes. The obtained results suggest that only a few individuals show the presence of an Asian ancestral component, which varies from a very high (grave 109) to a low proportion (graves 76, 73). However, most individuals share genetic proportions typical of the local population of Europe and actually belong to a group of distant relatives, which can be linked to the Slavic speakers of the Avar Khaganate. Interestingly, some samples (grave 64) reveal distant relatives among early medieval Germanic-speaking populations, which may reflect the integration of local Gepid or Langobard groups into Avar period populations.
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RE: Genetic Genealogy & Ancient DNA (TITLES/ABSTRACTS) - by J Man - 10-23-2023, 08:14 PM

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