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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
(05-25-2024, 03:22 PM)Mitchell-Atkins Wrote: Luxembourg reaches 100 total samples,
19 U106
16 U152
10 Hg J
9 DF27
8 Hg E
7 Hg I
5 R1a
5 DF19
5 Hg G
3 L21
2 PF7589
1 S1194

5% DF19 :eek: Might be tops for countries over 100 results. Smile
Ambiorix, Mitchell-Atkins, JMcB like this post
R1b>M269>L23>L51>L11>P312>DF19>DF88>FGC11833 >S4281>S4268>Z17112>FT354149

Ancestors: Francis Cooke (M223/I2a2a) b1583; Hester Mahieu (Cooke) (J1c2 mtDNA) b.1584; Richard Warren (E-M35) b1578; Elizabeth Walker (Warren) (H1j mtDNA) b1583; John Mead (I2a1/P37.2) b1634; Rev. Joseph Hull (I1, L1301+ L1302-) b1595; Benjamin Harrington (M223/I2a2a-Y5729) b1618; Joshua Griffith (L21>DF13) b1593; John Wing (U106) b1584; Thomas Gunn (DF19) b1605; Hermann Wilhelm (DF19) b1635

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RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by Dewsloth - 05-25-2024, 05:32 PM

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