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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
The new update covers CTS8949 (Tmrca 1500 BCE) which is neat. Unsure if it covers anything deeper.

Last night I saw an influx of new CTS8949 country results and got excited because I thought they were basal, but then realized at least most of these were FF and not Big-Y results, and at least one of them are from my four Y-dna matches (all from the same family). Still neat though.

CTS8949 is certainly better than just U152, which was the result I received in 23andme (and the latest chip version, mind you)
Riverman and Webb like this post
U152>Z56>Z43>Z46>Z48>Z44>CTS8949>FTC82256 Lindeman
M222...>DF105>ZZ87>S588>S7814 TonerĀ 

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RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by Manofthehour - 05-25-2024, 02:46 PM

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