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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
The ISOGG reports LivingDNA v2 with 34,216 Y SNPs. So if quantity was the main factor, LivingDNA wins hands down.

I am not sure their selection is that great. The download is only for your positive SNPs. so just a fraction of the 34 K. But it seemed like I had a lot of positive basal SNPs. Pre-R-M343. Its a little hard to say because they also use SNP names that I am not familiar with.

My LivingDNA result is only one SNP greater than FF v3, despite 3 to 4X the SNPs. Although I was impressed with my LivingDNA SNP. It's also just one SNP behind my BigY500.

I also tested with LivingDNA v1. GSA chip. On that test, I got the same SNP as 23andMe v5. I read that LDNA had 20,000 YSNPs on v1.
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RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by Mabrams - 05-18-2024, 04:43 AM

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