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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
(05-11-2024, 01:04 PM)Riverman Wrote: Take for example E-Z5018, it has only 3 BigY testers which are branch participants, but there are 35 people as branch participants if you go to the country statistics. Ergo, those 32 are SNP and FF tested or whatever.

Also, if you go upstream to the most basal A haplogroup, you can also see the total number of BigY-tree downstream testers, and that's way more than the BigY testers and includes FF and SNP testers.

Probably you used another view or mode if there exists one? I don't know. Its the same all the way down to my main branch, which being not covered by FF tests and I don't even know if there would be a SNP package. At every level there are way higher numbers for branch participants than there are BigY testers.

In Time Tree those FF/SNP testers don't appear. I don't know of a count, I just observed it, because the Time Tree would look very strange otherwise with hundreds if not thousands of samples on the basal position of the main branches.

Edit: If you meant what I wrote, when clicking on say Z5018 and seeing those 3, then yes, that's the BigY testers, but the total number in the country statistic includes the SNP/FF testers and those are the ones we can easily gather and compare. Like its impossible to tell from the downstream testers of E-Z5018 who's SNP/FF tested and whose BigY tested, because one needs to check at every step and every branch how they are looking.
But I referred to the country statistics in Blocktree and the country flags.

I wasn't referring to only branches that stop at the same level I was looking at. That is just Branch Participants, 1st column in the Haplotree, in the example you provided. I already knew that those are testers that have no derived downstream SNP either due to type of test or being in a branch that does not match anyone else. The number I was referring to is the 3rd column All Downstream Participants which includes people that stop at that branch.

E-Z5018 has 2,427 participants in Haplotree All Downstream Participants. E-Z5018 has 841 Big Y participants in Big Y Block Tree. So there are 1586 All Downstream Participants without a Big Y test if those numbers are correct.

In order to see the 841 Big Y participants in Big Y Block Tree for E-Z5018 you have to go up one branch to E-FTT49 then hover over the subclade

.png   Big Y Block Tree.png (Size: 29.22 KB / Downloads: 141)

If you do the same for the subclades of E-Z5018 at the E-Z5018 level the sum of them should be similar to the total of 841 for E-Z5018.

Discover for E-Z5018 says that there are 2,293 DNA tested descendants. I have noticed that Discover might not keep up with Haplotree or it accurately excludes kits that stop at the branch. I will have to monitor that for my FF tested subclade.


The first column for the count in the Haplotree can be important for finding the count of people that stop at that branch if you already know that FF doesn't test downstream from that specific subclade. For instance, I should have kept count of that column for R-L151 since I already know of an example that ceased at that branch.

edit: even if we did it your way it is still accurate the way I worded post #343 in that "The Haplotree tree is for all SNPs tested kits, Big Y, individual SNP tests, SNP packs, and FF subclades" and "Big Y Block tree... is only for Big Y kits " What you showed doesn't show that SNP tested and family finder kits are in the Big Y Block Tree. It does show an average of 34 Private Variants but that has nothing to do with FF kits since they don't have Private Variants. So I am still confused as to why you thought SNP tested and family finder kits are in the BigY tree unless you meant to say SNP tested and family finder kits are in the Haplotree. If that is what you meant then what I had already said was the same thing with "The Haplotree tree is for all SNPs tested kits, Big Y, individual SNP tests, SNP packs, and FF subclades"
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RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by ArmandoR1b - 05-11-2024, 03:11 PM

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