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Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder
Here are the percentage increase (or lack there of in the case of FGC12401) from 12/9/2023 to 5/1/24 for branches I've been tracking

A +20%  (all of FTDNA y haplotree)
U152 +26%
U152>L2 +26%
U152>L2>Z49 +28%
U152>L2>Z49>Z142 +24%
U152>L2>Z49>Z142>Z51 +31%
U152>L2>Z49>Z142>Z12222 +23%
U152>L2>Z49>Z142>Z12222>FGC12378 +9%
U152>L2>Z49>Z142>Z12222>FGC12378>FGC47869 +7%
U152>L2>Z49>Z142>Z12222>FGC12378>Non FGC47869 branches 13%
U152>L2>Z49>Z142>Z12222>FGC12378>FGC47869>FGC12401 0%
rmstevens2 and Riverman like this post
50% English, 15% Welsh, 15% Scot/Ulster Scot, 5% Irish, 10% German, 2% Scandi, 2% French & Dutch), 1% India
Ancient ~40% Anglo-Saxon, ~40% Briton/Insular Celt, ~15% German, 4% Other Euro
600 AD: 55% Anglo-Saxon (CNE), 45% Pre-Anglo-Saxon Briton (WBI)
“Be more concerned with seeking the truth than winning an argument” 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Coming Soon: Y-DNA Haplogroups for Family Finder - by Mitchell-Atkins - 05-02-2024, 01:28 AM

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