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Genetic Genealogy & Ancient DNA (DISCUSSION ONLY)
(04-14-2024, 03:23 PM)JMcB Wrote: Genomic analyses correspond with deep persistence of peoples of Blackfoot Confederacy from glacial times.

DorothyFirst Rider, Annabel Crop Eared Wolf, John Murray, Alida de Flamingh,  Andre Luiz Campelo dos Santos,François Lanoë, Maria N. Zedeño, Michael DeGiorgio,  John Lindo, Ripan S. Malhi

Mutually beneficial partnerships between genomics researchers and North American Indigenous Nations are rare yet becoming more common. Here, we present one such partnership that provides insight into the peopling of the Americas and furnishes another line of evidence that can be used to further treaty and Indigenous rights. We show that the genomics  of  sampled  individuals  from  the  Blackfoot  Confederacy  belong  to  a  previously  undescribed  ancient lineage that diverged from other genomic lineages in the Americas in Late Pleistocene times. Using multiple  complementary  forms  of  knowledge,  we  provide  a  scenario  for  Blackfoot  population  history  that  fits  with  oral tradition and provides a plausible model for the evolutionary process of the peopling of the America


This is a pretty disappointing paper. They really do not test or investigate any alternatives to their hypothesis. The TreeMix and qpGraph analyses are done with no migrations only, and they ignore uniparental markers entirely.
rmstevens2, parasar, JapaJinga And 4 others like this post

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RE: Genetic Genealogy & Ancient DNA (DISCUSSION ONLY) - by Megalophias - 04-14-2024, 03:56 PM

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