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If there are studies with data that hasnt been converted to G25 provide them here
I think when last checking in Nov. I did not see results from the following study:
Archaeological questions and genetic answers: Male paternal kinship in a copper age multiple burial from the eastern (North) Italian Alps (Auer/Ora, Unterland/Upper Adige)
Paladin et al Aug. 2023
Four FASTQ files for shotgun and capture generated in this study available at the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA)
genome coverage 0.07 X for Ind. A and 0.34 X for Ind. B - so probably only Ind. B makes sense to create G25? Would be still interesting to compare to Ötzi etc.

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RE: If there are studies with data that hasnt been converted to G25 provide them here - by ChrisR - 04-09-2024, 11:57 AM

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