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E-V13 - Theories on its Origin and New Data
Eupedia is not a database of a testing company or a scientific journal. It's a site, just like this one.

The data come from yfull's public database. There are 832 tested individuals who have marked Germany as their location/country in yfull's tree. 5.4% are E-V13, 4% are J-L283, 5.4% are J-L26 (25-30% German Jews).

I've been monitoring yfull's database as early as n = 600 (Germany) and % for all haplogroups have remained roughly the same. When a regional project sponsors mass sampling and uploading, there might be a temporal increase in some haplogroups but over time, percentages tend to be stable as sampling increases.

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RE: E-V13 - Theories on its Origin and New Data - by corrigendum - 03-15-2024, 04:37 PM

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