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E-V13 - Theories on its Origin and New Data
(02-25-2024, 07:37 PM)Riverman Wrote: Let's get some facts straight. First, we know that pre-Cotofeni there was a steppe contact and influx, even if being rather limited. We know that from highly important sites like Decea Mureşulu, which followed the Petresti culture:

The first samples taken from Decea Mureşulu, mostly mtDNA being analysed, show a mix of Copper Age locals (probably from Petresti culture) and newcomers from the steppe. And this group is highly important. Note also, that we have found E-L618 both West (Lengyel-Sopot) and East (Varna, Tripolye-Cucuteni) of Petresti.

The first E-L618 we have in Europe is in the Dalmatian coast and we also have E-L618 in the BA Aegean, hence E-L618 presence doesn't offer any argument other than the fact that E-V13 is to be found somewhere in the Balkans.

Kocofeni represents a non-IE population which definitely wasn't IE-ized and it's just one of the many Carpathian/Pannonian populations which never became IE-speakers. Encrusted Pottery culture was likely not IE-speaking as well. 

If data from all sites are combined, then the "destruction horizon" shows up to be limited and the archaeogenetic evidence shows that there was a very stable Balkan cline which wasn't disrupted by any migration.

There is R-Z93 in MLBA Bulgaria from the direction of the Noua-Sabatinovka horizon, (1750-1625 BCE) :
Distance to: Bulgaria_MLBA:I2163
0.00000000 Bulgaria_MLBA
0.02886650 Kazakhstan_Chanchar_MBA
0.03012966 Poland_Southeast_CordedWare.SG
0.03031296 Russia_Srubnaya_Alakul.SG
0.03033670 Tajikistan_BA_DashtiKozy
0.03049215 China_Xinjiang_Kuokesuxi_LBA_Andronovo
0.03119443 Russia_Yaroslavl_Fatyanovo_BA.SG
0.03159149 Moldova_MBA_MultiCordonedWare
0.03175556 Russia_Moscow_Fatyanovo_BA.SG
0.03184605 Uzbekistan_Kokcha_BA
0.03215030 Czech_CordedWare
0.03241682 Kazakhstan_MLBA_OyDzhaylau

Target: Moldova_LBA_Sabatinovka:I10438
Distance: 3.0542% / 0.03054188
75.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
15.2 TUR_Barcin_N
9.2 SRB_Iron_Gates_HG

Target: Bulgaria_MLBA:I2163
Distance: 2.6050% / 0.02605002
72.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
17.8 TUR_Barcin_N
8.4 SRB_Iron_Gates_HG
1.0 Han

In itself, Noua-Sabatinovka is irrelevant for Proto-Thracians because Thracians spoke a Yamnaya language and not an Iranic one. Hence a discussion to connect Noua with Thracians is just fringe, but even if someone invokes it to claim that Proto-Thracian wasn't spoken in Thrace in the LBA, then they're actually claiming exactly that because R-Z93 has been detected in Thrace since the 17th century BCE. The more Thracians are being "forced" into BA Carpathian theories, the more garbled such theories become.

Speaking of Noua, some of the R-Z93 they brought was definitely integrated in Carpathian groups like Monteoru and one of them turns up in this grouping with a mixed Noua/Monteoru profile.

Y-DNA in Monteoru:

mtDNA: H11a2

mtDNA: K1c1

mtDNA: K1c1a
Y-DNA: I2a1b1a2

mtDNA: H+152
Y-DNA: I2a1b1

mtDNA: H1

mtDNA: J1c
Y-DNA: I2a1a2b1a

mtDNA: U5a1a1
Y-DNA: I2a1b1a2

mtDNA: H58
Y-DNA: G2a

4 x I2a
1 x G2a

It's a very similar ratio to the samples from northwestern Romania in the LN/C. Hence there is already confirmation that Carpathian groups which had low steppe ancestry did in fact continue to exist well within the Bronze Age in Romania.

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RE: E-V13 - Theories on its Origin and New Data - by corrigendum - 02-25-2024, 09:01 PM

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