South Tyrolean at/X result done at FTDNA. Genealogical ancestry for at least 6-7 generations regional.
Only very distant Family Finder Matches (22 cM and below) with no visible connection.
Never saw such high
Scandinavia result: myOrigins has this component predominant with
Will need to verify with other calculators if there is something more "Nordic" in this result. Seems a little off for South Tyroleans with myOrigins V3 - see below another result.
Here for comparison another South Tyrolean result. Genealogical ancestry also for at least 6-7 generations regional.
Here we have
British Isles predominant with 27%. I could verify "nearness" to British Isles even into EIA and LBA with G25, so this seems legit.
However I could not find what the historical connection is:
a) same "Celtic" branch ancestry
b) Roman connection/s (Rhaetians to Britannia or vice versa)
c) Medieval connection/s? (Crusades?)
I think a) is the most likely as long as there is no evidence for b) and c)